Forum Thread
~*FenneCake's Adoptables*~
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → ~*FenneCake's Adoptables*~THE WINNERS ARE
Navuso - 155 k - Paid
Congrats: The Skeletal and Lanturn are now yours.
LeChatBox - 10k - Paid
Congrats: The Crinkled and Rainbow are now yours.
Congrats all winners. Payments would be appreciated now or in the next 24 hours.
If you diddn't get a chance to save your critter image. Just Pm or Palpad me.
Yuki-chan - 20k
Congrats: The Rainbow and Lava are now yours.
SunGoddess23 - 20k
Congrats: The Monarch are now yours.
Congrats all winners. Payments would be appreciated now or in the next 24 hours.
I'll send a link to your critter's through Palpad/pm.
Also, both Tetty and Luvbugge got the lowest votes on my poll. So I will be having one more between them. This will last a week, so this week will be the last chance to get either a Tetty or a Luvbugge. Get them before they are gone for good.
StarStruckPlayzGames - 20k - Paid
Congrats: The Minty Herven is now yours.
Congrats all winners. Payments would be appreciated now or in the next 24 hours.
I'll send a link to your critter's through Palpad/pm.
I'll be making new critters some times this week
Luvbugge will be made once more time for Christmas and then Will no longer be made after that.
Will have a new critter or not, I haven't decided yet. There will be a limited time special Legend Critter soon.
Sorry, but for this week the prices were raised slightly. You can rebid if you wish.
Remeber to check prices before you bid please <3 Thank you