Forum Thread
Pokemon Time!
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon Time!How to join:
I want to join:
Trainer Name:
Sprite(Optional and can also be personalized)
My money: 10000$ (all starts with this money you need to update if will buy from the PokeMart)
My items: 5 Master Balls and 5 potions (all starts with this items and that need to update)
My pokemons:
(You start with one pokemon that you want level 5 you can choose nature, you can hold items to pokemon and make him stats max 20 because have level 5, pokemon gain experience, can choose him ability and you need an image)
My Stats:
Trainer name: Gaby
Sprite: Coming soon
My money: 10000$
My items: 5 Master balls and 5 Potions
My pokemons:
Dedenne level 5
ability: Pickup (this is one of true ability)
Hold item: Light Ball
20 HP
17 Attack
16 Defense
19 Special Attack
18 Special Defense
15 Speed
Commands for the RP:
/pokemart (Just type in the post if you want to use a command)
/search pokemons
/gym battle
/fly (enter you location can be any town from any region)
/pokebattle (for gain money and exp)
You can use commands only when they are online.
Enjoy and Subscribe (Y) :) :D c: ;) :3
Sprite(Optional and can also be personalized) (Won't post)
My money: 10000$ (all starts with this money you need to update if will buy from the PokeMart)
My items: 5 Master Balls and 5 potions (all starts with this items and that need to update)
My pokemon:
Drifloon level 5
ability: Flare boost (Hidden ability)
Item: Ultra potion
20 for all.
Title: LazyHoneyDew
You: ....Ugh.... what the hell happened?
You wake up at the exit of the cave after the explosion. What are you gonna do?
1. Search for pokemon (use command /search pokemons)
2. Ask what the pokemon happened :))
3. Nothing
4. Go to pokecenter (command /pokecenter)
5. Go to pokemart (command /pokemart)
Trainer Name: Namifia
Sprite(Optional and can also be personalized): Later...
My money: 10000$
My items: 5 Master Balls and 5 potions
My pokemons: Level 5 Female Eevee
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Anticipation
Hold Item: Oran Berry
HP: 20
AT: 15
DE: 16
SA: 19
SD: 17
SP: 18
I want to join:
Trainer Name: diganta short dialkia
Sprite(made by me)
My money: 10000$ (all starts with this money you need to update if will buy from the PokeMart)
My items: 5 Master Balls and 5 potions (all starts with this items and that need to update)
My pokemons: chimchar
stas : 30 all
level 5
@lazy haney dew full list drifloon list
And Ash throw the Master Ball 1..2..3 Gotcha! Absol was caught! Absol's data has added in the pokedex
It senses coming disasters and appears before people only to warn them of impending danger.
Stats: HP 22
Attack 21
Defense 23
Special Attack 20
Special Defense 25
Speed 24
Ability: Super Luck (Raises the critical-hit ratio of moves.) (and it's hidden ability!)
Night Slash
SolarBeam (LOL)
Congratz :3