valerie was wandering unaware of what happened she was in a very
deep thought 'what is this feeling i get when i am around
nightmare?is it...?'she thinks for a few minutes and then comes to
a conclusion blushing 'yes it is i am in love...with nightmare. I
have to tell him'she eleports to nightmare "nightmare i want to
talk to you urgently"
seeing valerie sav jumps and repeats the message to nightmare
thinking ''i wonder if valerie is aware of us behind her and that
nightmare is a statue''
'um valerie' sav called out and starts to explain what happened 'we
were fighting our dark selves and they were wanting my body while i
was in spirit form and nightmare turned to stone to destroy the
dark version of himself'
'yeah and now the only two ways to bring him back is 1 lasshura
trying to bring him back or 2 a true love's kiss' sav explained
'but for some reason there were vines trying to destroy his statue'