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Forbiden friendship

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Forbiden friendship
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sat, 01/03/2014 01:03 (10 Years ago)
Hi guys! This is my first fanfic,from a ex-rockets point of view. Hope you like it!

Hi. I'm Clarissa Carolina Cetros. I'm a rocket scientist.....Or more specificaly I WAS a rocket scientist.I got fired because I did something I knew was forbiden. Let me start from the beginning,shall I?
January 25th...Ah that day was both my scientific debut AND my 26th birthday. My task was to engineer a female Venusaur's DNA so that it's ofsprings were part Ice part Grass type and could talk. Pretty messy and weird actually. Alota the Bulbasaur died but one survived though her bulb was frozen solid. She has gray eyes and brown fur on her head that looks like hair. An oddball to say the least. She was named in my honor,but I just called her IceySaur.
She was pretty neat actually. She did refuse to evole tought so I made her a everstone necklace,considering I was good at making necklaces. She doesn't take it off.
One day she told me that she wants to see the outside world. Being a rocket,my instinct was to smack her. So I did. Guess I shouldn't have. She avoided me,even though she basicly belonged to me...Oh well. I had a next task to make a Growlithe's voice sound somewhat synthetic. A success. Again,he was given a name but this time in a friend's honor and again,I just call him by a nickname. Growlithizer.
Icey and Growlithizer got somewhat too close. I guess It's cause their basicly siblings...They both also refused to evolve...
I was later on tasked to test out their power. Lucky was I? No,I wasn't actually. They were pretty weak. I tired to talk some damn sense to them,but they were like deaf. They didn't listen. Some time later a....strange thing happened....IceySaur laid an egg....It was weird though....

This is still a WIP so be patient, candy bulbs :)
Turbo-tastic!.....Did i say that aloud? Oops...I-I meant to say stay awesome candy-bulbs!.....Yeah.......You guys ARE awesome!