Footsteps approached the cage. "Here. Take the dang food. You'll
need it after tomorrow's break. We have more people than ever
coming in a few days." The ring master dumped a bunch of food into
the large cell and clicked a button, letting all freaks shut in
cages out. "Enjoy the freedom while it lasts."
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up
Corrina stood up when she was let out and stretched, letting her
wings furl out. She bent down and grabbed what look like a
half-eaten piece of bread. She took a bite of it grinning at the
warm flavor of it.
”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your
technological guide!"
Sky, who shared her cage with Soar, flinched as the griffin woke up
slowly. "Is it morning yet?" He yawned.
"Does it look like morning?" Sky sighed, looking up as the cage
opened. "Finally!" She found herself shout and jumped to her
feet/talons to exit the cage. Soar took notice and followed her
Ella looked up. "About time they let us out," she made her way out
of her cramped cage and stretched. Then Alex was let out as well.
Ella sighed. The two never liked each other at all; well, Alex
pretty much hated just about everyone, but it was Ella he hated
most. He paid no attention to the centaur and stretched his wings,
silently walking to find something decent to eat for once.
Monofire eagerly ran over to a piece of stake and bit into it,
carrying it to where she normally slept away from Oliver. She tore
into it as easily as scissors would cut paper. Oliver was grabbing
some lettuce to taste it. He watched as some mice scurried over. He
stalked over to them and killed one with the swipe of his paw.
"These mice aren't smart," commented Cyana as she pawed at a mouse
that she had struck down. Mello found a bottle of blood hidden in
the food pile. "Assuming this is for me," she said. Hiding in a
corner, she consumed it. Midnight grabbed some fruit and meat and
flew back into his cage to eat.
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up
The ring master shrugged. "I brought enough food to last one person
a month. I think. So I guess take as much as you want?" He walked
away toward his car.
Monofire watched Oliver chasing Midnight's cage. Sort of. Midnight
hissed at Oliver after the brown tomcat had hit the cage. The
dragon and cat got into a hissing contest, making Cyana laugh.
Mello grabbed a chicken leg and bit into it before scarfing it
down. "Wow, chicken legs taste good. Monofire, remind me that once
we get out of here we need to go chicken hunting."
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up
Sky shrugged, hungrily stuffing a piece of bread into her mouth.
She was practically starving. Soar dug into a piece of steak, while
Ella grabbed randomly grabbed a couple of apples, and Alex settled
for some chicken.
"Heck yeah--I just need some fruit for once," Ella said, taking a
few apples and sitting down.
Kiro leaped in, grabbing a few steaks and eating them up
Flyingstar stepped in and instead of grabbing food she turned
around and trusted her natural instinct to hunt a few mice. Soon
she had caught enough to feed herself.
Shadow found a raw chicken and dug in. Soon she had destroyed it
and rammed into the door.
Moon got out, stretched, and tried to fly while falling straight
back down. The least the ring!aster could do was heal her wing! She
returned to her cage, without eating. She would rather die of
starvation than not be able to fly!
Monofire nodded and began chasing Midnight around. The two dragons
- or in Monofire's case a hybrid - flew around and hit the low
ceiling, resulting in several bruises.
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up
Moon skulked in her cage, looking glumly at her wing. She wished
she could just be free from this torture and actually either die or
have her wing healed. Suddenly she had an idea. She got out of her
cage and walked over to Ella.
"Ella? I'm Moon, and I heard stories about centaurs as a child. Can
you help heal this?" she asked the centaur, opening her wing while
glaring at Monofire and Midnight.
Shadow chased the dragon and flying human around the room. "Woo
hoo! I haven't been able to run in forever, being stuck in that
cage! This is enjoying me so much!" she cried. Soon she had tired
and returned to the food to grab more meat. After wolfing(hehehe
get the joke?) down some chicken she turned around for a nap.
Flyingstar took to the sky and chased Monofire, playfully batting
at the hybrid playfully. "Got you!" she meowed playfully.
Soon Kiro joined in on the game. She ran and took off, playing with
Flyingstar in a game of tug over a piece of steak. They hadn't been
out in so long that Kiro thought her muscles would explode when she
finally won the piece of steak.
Monofire hissed playfully. "Now we have to catch you, Midnight!"
she called. She glanced over at Flyingstar. "Any ideas on how to
catch him?" she asked.
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up
Flyingstar thought about it and then realized. "Circle him!" She
laughed happily. She went around to one side and watched Kiro and
Shadow on the others.
Monofire flew to Midnight's other side. The dragon flinched and
flew backward by his own will, trying to not be tagged. He felt his
wings brush the ceiling yet again.
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up