Forum Thread
[ON HIATUS] Trikky Trades and Shinies!
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → [ON HIATUS] Trikky Trades and Shinies!Thread Rules:

1. Don't spam. This includes but is not limited to, double posting, posting here about something unrelated to trades or orders, one word posts, etc.
2. Follow site rules.
3. No chat-speak, no text speak. It's so annoying and so difficult to understand what you want. So if you use it, be prepared for me to ignore you.
4. Don't rush me.
5. Subscribe. Since I post here when your order is ready, if you aren't subscribed chances are you'll miss it and it will go bye-bye.
5a. Here's how things go when an order is complete. One - it goes into my hold box. Two - I set it up for trade with your name in the box. Three - I post here. Four - If you haven't offered on the trade(s) AND sent me the payment 2 days after that post, I post here again. Five - If you still haven't offered on the trade(s) 2 days after the second post it goes back up for trade to whoever wants it.
6. If you get your account locked, your order will still be completed. However, once I have the completed order, if your account is still locked it will go up for trade to whoever wants it. If I still have it if/when you return all you will have to do is post here and I will set up the trades. P.assword is Axel
7. Be polite.That means add a please or a thank you or just basic courtesy when you speak to me. If I feel like you are giving me an order, or being rude in any way you will be given a warning.
8. No prepaying. Do not send me the payment until I have set up trade(s) for you.
9. Don't PM me about trades or anything in this thread. This thread exists for a reason.
10. Copying and pasting anything in this thread without my permission is stealing - a very weird kind of stealing but still stealing. If I read through your thread and notice my own words staring me in the face - It's not okay!! And changing little things in it, is not good enough. You can't just change the word two to three. Even if I change what is written in my thread, it's still stealing.ASK FIRST.
11. If you've been offline for a month or more when your order comes up, your order will be cancelled. Exception: If you notify me that you will be gone for a large amount of time then your order will be postponed until your return.
12. There's a limit of 3 Shiny Pokémon per order and a limit of 1 Mega-able Pokémon per order.
Breaking a rule will earn you a warning, 3 warnings will get you banned from my thread.
From this point onward, all orders must include at least 10 gems that I am looking for.
These gems are;

I am also looking for

and Helix Fossils = 100.
I am also buying Mystery Boxes and Mystery Keys of all colours. I will buy these with PokeDollar, or they can be included as the payment for a shiny order and/or item order.
Shinies Up For Trade:
Shiny Hunts:
note: I will not hunt you a shiny mega. No matter what you offer. No.

1. Available Slot.
2. Available Slot.
3. Available Slot.

1. Available Slot.
2. Available Slot.
3. Available Slot.
Legend Items


Forme Change Items:






[b][size=10]Now that's a Pokémon of a
different colour:[/size][/b]
[i]Shiny or Mega? (Mega only if applicable):[/i]
[i]Number of Shinies (if applicable):[/i]
[i]Your payment:[/i]
[i]Shiny or Mega? (Mega only if applicable):[/i]
[i]Number of Shinies (if applicable):[/i]
[i]Your payment:[/i]
[b][size=10]Material goods rock my world:[/size][/b]
[i]Your payment:[/i]

Thorn_Noivern - Rule 1, Rule 8
Naelthepokemontrainer - Rule 1
Annaya - Rule 8
DragonSumedh - Rule 7
Davidkeren - Rule 8
LazyHoneydew - Rule 1
Dragon_Queen - Rule 8
Youser123 - Rule 7
Lilwan - Rule 1, Rule 1.
Chibi-Chu - Rule 1
master_ball - Rule 9, Rule 1.
Vriska_Serket - Rule 8
UchihaSasuke - Rule 1
dantecasto - Rule 1, Rule 1
Humza-Senpai - Rule 10
LOTAD124 - Rule 1
sb59 - Rule 9, Rule 9
Techbolt - Rule 4
Sylveoncute - Rule 1
CrazyCastfrom912 - Rule 9, Rule 9
DanTDM - Rule 9
De4thRe4per - Rule 3
Raylong268 - Rule 8