Startled Chrome fell backwards,"Who
are you, I haven't seen you around here before?" Chrome
decide not to summon his weapon, beacuase he didn't want to fight
unless he needed to.
Name: fluttershyfan2
RP Name: Dia
Appearence (picture or describe): ((I'm really sorry that I can't draw))
Alingment (good or evil?): good
Gender: female
Gemstone: Diamond
Is able to summon weapon without help or not?: she doesn't need
OC or Cannon?: OC
Weapon: bow and arrow
Other: Just so you know I made Dia quite a few months ago, and none
of the rules say anything against a gem or gem-human hybrid having
the same weapon as another gem or gem-human hybrid is that oka if I
give her a bow and arrow or do I need to change it?
Chrome stood up and wiped the dirt of of his bum. 'That was weird" he stated as he watched
the new gem fly away. And then he noticed that Calim just flew
over. "Hi I'm chrome " he said
"Oh and I didn't get the chance to
say but thanks for saving me earlier Dragon Diamond, who knows what
would have happened if you didn't intervene" Chrome heard
his name being yelled, he then ran over to Calim"What do you need ?" he asked out of