Forum Thread
The Official Pokemon Academy!
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Official Pokemon Academy!So heres the form!

Entry Question**:Whats the name of the item used to mega evolve rayquaza in pokeheroes?
*Fictional age between 12 and 15
**Answer that Question
So...Fill that form up and leap in the Pokemon Academy!Here, there will be tests,battles and quizzes!So....Are you ready?
And you can be teachers too!
Currently NOT Accepting Teachers!

Why do you want to be a teacher?:
*Fictional between 20-30
**Battle,Pokemon Theory or anything Pokemon Related

Officer Jenny(Cool Coder)

Sir Ash(Pokemon Basics)
Prof.Mac(Pokemon[everything about it])
Sir Umbreon(Battle Guide)
Guide Abrar(Shiny Hunt Guide)
Guide Daphne(Type Guide)
Sir Wahi(Breeding Teacher)
As you already know,we give out rewards for completing certain tasks like winning a battle,etc.So,You may donate some prizes to us.
Heres the form for that:

What are you donating?:
Whom do you want to keep it?(name of teacher):

It maintains a order.
The order is Item-Donator-Keeper
So here are the donations we recieved!
10x Grass Gems-Ash334-Ash334
25x Grass Gems-Malcolmac-Malcolmac
1x Gracedia -Malcolmac-Malcolmac
1x Dome Fossil -Malcolmac -Malcolmac
1x Soothe Bell- Malcolmac-Malcolmac
30x Ground Gems - Malcolmac-Malcolmac
20xPoison Gems -Malcomac-Malcolmac
1x Red Key - XamdSoul-Ash334
1x Purple Key- XamdSoul-Ash334
Here are the Classrooms of different Teachers.
Here are the Quizzes that were held or will be held:

This also follows an order-
Quiz Name-Quizzer-Time-Winnrr
Evolution Quiz - Ash334-19/9/15(14:10:00 Server Time)-???
So...Let's Start!

Title: teacher
Subject**:Battle skills
Why do you want to be a teacher?: i am a definite Pokemon nerd, and I know many battle skills and facts, so I feel confident in being a teacher.
Nickname: mac
Age*: 13
Subject**: everything about pokemon. like about the pokemon , battling and everything.
Why do you want to be a teacher?: i think i know everything about pokemon. i love pokemon and i am a POKEMON NERD. so wanna be a teacher.
Nickname: Daphne
Age*: 21
Subject**: Types/typeadvantages
Why do you want to be a teacher? I believe I know quite a lot about pokemon. I know a lot about typeadvantages and I think that I know the typecombination of each pokemon ;)

I'm maaari (a girl, wow... that's so
surprising xD)
And I like fire and ice-pokemon a lot! Why is there no pokemon with both fire and ice-type?!?! >:D
Oh, and I like (shiny!!!) Mew! :D please help me train my mew :3
And here's one of my most precious pokemon
And Hide & Kaneki :D
And I like fire and ice-pokemon a lot! Why is there no pokemon with both fire and ice-type?!?! >:D
Oh, and I like (shiny!!!) Mew! :D please help me train my mew :3
And here's one of my most precious pokemon
And Hide & Kaneki :D
My dear students, I am Professor Mac. Now i will teach you all what is pokemon. "Pokemon" is centered on fictional creatures , which humans capture and train to fight each other for sport. So even if you want them, here you can catch them. In this academy, there will be many activities. There will be battles , quizes about pokemon and even battles. we will have some tests , many more exiting things.
Six , your question is indeed great, but this is a academy and we all will have to learn them. So now any questions students?
The name Pokémon is the romanized contraction of the Japanese brand Pocket Monsters .