(Yah ! XD Everyone accepted and now i think i forgot to invite bit
more people's so i will just make this rp to open..And now school
are going to end and we will walk back to our home...All the rp
mem's live in same locality same town..)
Ace starts to walk back towards his home after the menace he made
today..."Man that teacher."
[3 positive points and three negative.]Personality- Fun, Nice,
Loving. Loner, aggressive, sad.
[Be a little describing here.] History- When she was a kid she was
accused of murderous thoughts and was taken away to a mental
hospital. She was trained to be quiet and not to go near people,
she hated anyone who tried to get to know her because thats what
her family told her to do.
Crush-Open 030
Others- I'm good~
Mizu walked along the street back from school, grasping onto her
bag. She held her folder in her other hand trying to keep her
homework in it. She sighed, she only just moved into town but she
hated how everyone stared at her.
Pulling her hoodie tighter she carefully followed the path. Hearing
the voice coming from higher above the ground she guessed someone
else lived on her street.
She stared, her eyes wide. She started to sprint away, dropping her
folder. "No thoughts! You are blind and deaf Mizu!" She said to
herself as she ran.
She sighed. "Everyone must hate me..." She stood up, climbing the
stairs to her room she opened the door. Opening the window she
carefully climbed out. Running up and leaping to the tree that sat
in her backyard.
Ace kept climbing until he reached the highest branch....
He later glanced at the school.."You suck!" He cries glaring at the
building but later turned and glanced at the house.. Hmm He sighs
Landing on the wood floor that was covered from plain sight by
bushy leaves, she looked around. A bed and a desk laid there.
"Where are you..." A shadowy looking cat came out from under her
small bed. "There you are! She said as she picked up the black
kitten and holding it in her arms.
Looking out the small hidden window to her little hut the cat leapt
out. "Wait!" Mizu yelled trying to be quiet. The cat leapt out and
stopped in front of Ace.
Positive Smart. paitent. musical
Negitive Doesn't share her fealings. anti-socal. over thinks
History- Her parents divorsed when she was 5 and she lives with her
Crush- No one
Others- anything that reminds her of her mother makes her sad
Password- Super Derp Sisters