Forum Thread
Pokemon Names
Forum-Index → Discussion → Pokemon Names
So, I'll pick out a highlight...hmm ah ha here
Ahriman- Ahriman stood high in the ranks of the enemies who opposed Ahura Mazda. Ahriman is thought to be the first personification of “the Devil” because Zoroastrians believed in a completely dualistic form of religion.
So what about you guys tell me why you chose to name your pokemon such.
I have two that I really like:
This is Typheus Splitfan!
This is Aragoria Monochos. She is a lady.
Oh, and Mbulu is an awesome name for a Gyrados!
The research I do is over the internet but I do read a lot and enjoy learning about things and find that naming my pokemon after famous demons, people, or beings is just a fun way to learn.
Bodhisatta was the name of a monkey King in a Buddhist tale. He tricked a water demon and was the leader of 80,000 monkeys.
He's my most recent addition.
Flareon: Jesh. I have no idea, what it stands for, but I got an Eevee in X nicknamed it, and it was the most useless one at the time, but I didn't give up on him. He ended up being my Flareon, who is only 9 levels away from level 100 in X.
Also, Slyv became what I called my Sylveon, so I will shortly nickname Sylveon that, and Jolt was Jolton, Vapor was Vaporeon, and I called Doduo/Dotrio Dodo :3
female derpatung= princess derpatung
they are my derpatung breeding pair :3
im gonna try to name all my derpatung
Then there's my Amphy! Just a cute name for him also! And might or sorta have some relation with the Ampharos from HeartGold and Soulsilver.
That's all I can say for now XD

(I'm not sorry. C: )