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Noctowl's Shiny Log

Forum-Index Diaries Noctowl's Shiny Log
Trainerlevel: 88

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Mon, 24/08/2015 14:47 (9 Years ago)
♣ About me ♣

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 21/06/2015

Favourite Pokemon:
Vulpix - Dewgong - Lapras - Cyndaquil - Noctowl - Stantler - Phanpy - Teddiursa
Favourite Type(s):
Shiny Count: 53
I got my Ditto on 24/08/15 - Hatched from an egg in the lab at around 00:28!
Please don't comment on this post

Made by Girafarig <3
Trainerlevel: 88

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Tue, 25/08/2015 13:09 (9 Years ago)
♣ Shinies Chained by Myself ♣


Pokemon: Combee
Rarity: Special, 4,590 EHP
Date: 11/07/15
Chain: #83 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Buneary
Rarity: Medium, 5,355 EHP
Date: 29/07/15
Chain: #52 #26 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Girafarig
Gender: ,
Rarity: Medium, 5,355 EHP
Date: 31/07/15, 04/08/15,
Chain: #54, #134 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Combee
Rarity: Special, 4,590 EHP
Date: 05/08/15
Chain: #43 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Lapras
Rarity: Rare, 10,455 EHP
Date: 15/08/15
Chain: #66 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Psyduck
Rarity: Medium, 5,355 EHP
Date: 16/08/15, 18/08/15
Chain: #9, #62 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Ponyta
Gender: , , , , N/A
Rarity: Easy, 5,355 EHP
Date: 19/08/15, 20/08/15, 20/08/15, 20/08/15, 21/08/15
Chain: #58, #114, #116, #117, #128 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Carnivine
Rarity: Rare, 6,630 EHP
Date: 27/08/15
Chain: #88
Not that it matters, but 4th OS __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Happiny
Rarity: Rare, Genderlocked, 10,455 EHP
Date: 03/09/15, 03/09/15, 05/09/15
Chain: #75, #91, #114
Not that it matters but 3rd Chansey - 2nd Happiny and 2nd Blissey __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Chikorita
Gender: , , ,
Rarity: Starter, 5,355 EHP
Date: 10/09/15, 10/09/15, 11/09/15, 11/09/15
Chain: #72, #78, #83, #95 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Stantler
Gender: , ,
Rarity: Hard, 5,355 EHP
Date: 14/09/15, 15/09/15, 17/09/15
Chain: #55, #56, #110 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Flabebe (White)
Gender: ,
Rarity: Medium, Genderlocked, 5,355 EHP.
Date: 05/10/15, 08/10/15
Chain: #51, #81 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Igglybuff
Gender: , ,
Rarity: Easy, 2,805 EHP.
Date: 10/10/15, 10/10/15, 10/10/15
Chain: #52, #59, #64 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Scatterbug
Gender: ,
Rarity: Easy, 3,840 EHP.
Date: 11/10/15, 11/10/15
Chain: #51, #67 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Cyndaquil
Gender: , ,
Rarity: Starter, 5,355 EHP.
Date: 13/10/15, 13/10/15, 16/10/15
Chain: #46, #48, #111 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Cleffa
Gender: ,
Rarity: Easy, 2,805 EHP.
Date: 19/10/15, 19/10/15
Chain: #156, #171 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Mantyke
Gender: ,
Rarity: Medium, 6,630 EHP.
Date: 23/10/15, 23/10/15
Chain: #44, #53 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Blitzle
Gender: ,
Rarity: Easy, 5,355 EHP.
Date: 24/10/15, 24/10/15
Chain: #77, #87 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Fletchling
Gender: , , , ,
Rarity: Easy, 5,355 EHP.
Date: 25/10/15, 25/10/15, 25/10/15, 25/10/15, 25/10/15
Chain: #60, #61, #77, #88, #94 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Dunsparce
Rarity: Medium, 5,355 EHP.
Date: 28/10/15
Chain: #56 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Corsola
Gender: ,
Rarity: Hard, 5,355 EHP.
Date: 5/11/15, 5/11/15
Chain: #111, #114 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Luvdisc
Gender: ,
Rarity: Medium, 5,355 EHP.
Date: 5/11/15, 5/11/15
Chain: #66, #94 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Plusle
Rarity: Rare, 5,355 EHP.
Date: 1/12/15
Chain: #129 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Totodile
Gender: ,
Rarity: Starter, 5,355 EHP.
Date: 4/12/15, 4/12/15
Chain: #39, #54 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Heatmor
Rarity: Rare, 5,355 EHP.
Date: 13/12/15
Chain: #65 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Minccino
Gender: , ,
Rarity: Medium, 4,080 EHP.
Date: 23/12/15, 23/12/15, 26/12/15
Chain: #104, #115, #202 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Koffing
Gender: , , ,
Rarity: Easy, 5,355 EHP.
Date: 26/12/15, 27/12/15, 27/12/15, 27/12/15
Chain: #66, #74, #95, #101 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Bulbasaur
Gender: , ,
Rarity: Starter, 5,355 EHP.
Date: 1/1/16, 3/1/16, 3/1/16
Chain: #118, #144, #150 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Buneary
Gender: ,
Rarity: Medium, 5,355 EHP
Date: 6/1/16, 6/1/16
Chain: #57, #65 #49 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Slowpoke
Rarity: Hard, 5,355 EHP
Date: 11/1/16
Chain: #77 # __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Riolu
Gender: , , , ,
Rarity: Medium, 6,630 EHP
Date: 14/1/16, 14/1/16, 14/1/16
Chain: #77, #107, #122, #171, #186 #21, #38 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Aron
Gender: , , img]http://pokeheroes.com/img/gender_icons/m.png[/img]
Rarity: Medium, 9,180 EHP
Date: 16/1/16, 16/1/16, 17/1/16
Chain: #60, #67, #86 #84 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Weedle
Gender: , ,
Rarity: Easy, 2,805 EHP
Date: 19/1/16, 19/1/16, 19/1/16
Chain: #98, #102, #119 #14 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Chikorita (Retro)
Rarity: Special, 5,355 EHP
Date: 20/1/16

Pokemon: Solosis
Gender: , ,
Rarity: Easy, 5,355 EHP
Date: 21/1/16, 21/1/16, 21/1/16
Chain: #78, #99, #103 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Ledyba
Gender: ,
Rarity: Medium, 4,080 EHP
Date: 23/1/16, 24/1/16
Chain: #54, #86 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Spinarak
Gender: ,
Rarity: Medium, 4,080 EHP
Date: 26/1/16, 29/1/16
Chain: #41, #119 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Zubat
Rarity: Easy, 4,080 EHP
Date: 15/2/16
Chain: #149 __________________________________________________________________________

Pokemon: Dratini
Gender: ,
Rarity: Special, 10,455 EHP
Date: 28/2/16, 3/1/16
Chain: #147, #183 __________________________________________________________________________

Made by Girafarig <3
Trainerlevel: 88

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Tue, 25/08/2015 13:34 (9 Years ago)
♣ Art! ♣

Show hidden content

Made by Furret =3
Made by Romania :3

Made by Italy :]

Made by Valtista <3

Made by Bear :3

By Girafarig <3



Made by Girafarig <3
Trainerlevel: 88

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Wed, 26/08/2015 09:32 (9 Years ago)
♣ Mass Box Openings ♣

Date: 30/11/15 - 256 Boxes - 31 Gold boxes
Show hidden content
x6 Ghost gems
4 Pamtre Berries
1 Everstone
917 Gamechips
Cover fossil
1059 PD
10 Soda pop
Razor claw
2376 PD
x1 Zinc
x5 Fairy gems
1625 PD
3 Blukk berries
x6 Ground gems
x8 Bug gems
1165 PD
x4 Persim berries
x1 HP up
x1 Fire stone

Dark Blue
Show hidden content
x3 Lache berries
256 Gamechips
x1 Fire stone
39 Event points
x1 HP up
x1 Hondew berry
x1 Relic gold
x3 Lemonade
x4 Normal gems
2874 PD
3540 PD
x2 Fairy gems
x1 Fire stones
x10 Grass gems
x3 Fire gems
x1 Vortex of time map
71 Gamechips
Plume fossil
x9 Hondew berries
1483 Gamechips
x1 Terra cave map
x9 Soda pop
1959 PD
Pixie plate
3497 PD
x1 Leaf stone
Splash plate

Show hidden content
x1 Relic copper
x8 Dragon gems
Razor fang
x1 Zinc
x1 Relic copper
x1 Protein
5109 PD
x8 Fairy gems
Root fossil
1723 Gamechips
x1 Everstone
x7 Dark gems
4004 PD
x9 Nomel berries
x1 Oval stones
x1 Relic silver
x1 Sky Pillar map
x11 Bug gems
1136 Gamechips
x6 Fairy gems
Shiny stone
x13 Ghost gems
x1 Terra cave map
x1 Everstone
5864 PD
x1 Sky Pillar map
Sail fossil
6218 PD
x5 Poison gem
x1 Rare candy

Show hidden content
940 Gamechips
x1 Thunderstone
x2 Fire gems
x2 Ground gems
x1 Leaf stone
x1 Poison gem
x1 Oval stone
x1 Durin berry
702 Gamechips
x6 Ground gems
x10 Pinap berries
606 Gamechips
x1 Durin berry
x1 Iron
x10 Flying gems
Jaw fossil
x3 Nomel berries
x1 Carbos
x5 Habin berries
Armor fossil
x5 Payapa berries
759 PD
x4 Dark gems
x4 Bug gems
x4 Dragon gems
x8 Oran berries
x1 Water stone
x1 Leaf stone
3422 PD
1051 Gamechips
x3 Soda Pop
x3 Dragon gems
34 Event points

Light blue
Show hidden content
x1 Leaf stone
683 Gamechips
x1 Leaf stone
x3 Poison gems
3587 PD
x1 Relic copper
x1 Ghost gem
x1 Protein
3710 PD
x1 Water stone
208 Event points
x4 Aquav berries
x1 Razor claw
x1 Relic copper
x7 Dark gems
1618 PD
x8 Rock gems
x8 Bug gems
2003 PD
x2 Occa berries
x1 Mago berry
x8 Bug gems
x10 Pinap gems
1015 PD
x1 Fire stone
x1 Charti berry
x2 Cornn berries
566 Gamechips
x2 Spelon berries
2208 PD
Dome fossil
x1 Up-grade
x4 Flying gems
x6 Steel gems
x9 Tomato berries
x4 Razz berries
x3 Ganon berries
x6 Aspear berries
x1 Relic copper
1391 PD
x1 Bug gems
x1 Ground gem
x1 Fire stone
2718 PD
x1 HP up

Show hidden content
x1 Relic copper
x7 Soda pop
x3 Lemonade
2374 PD
2536 PD
1137 Gamechips
x1 Wacan berry
x5 Dragon gems
x7 Belue berries
x3 Shuca berries
x2 Qualot berries
x9 Rawst berries
1497 Gamechips
x1 Dragon scale
x5 Aguav berries
1464 PD
x7 Magost berries
553 PD
x1 Iron
x1 Relic copper
x1 Relic copper
x5 Durin berries
x1 Psychic gem
x1 Dragon scale
x1 Protecter
x2 Starf berries
x10 Aguav berries
x3 Soda pop
2551 PD
x1 Moon stone
x6 Poison gems

Show hidden content
x2 Rock gems
154 Gamechips
x1 Iron
x3 Cobba berries
497 Gamechips
x1 Thunder stone
x1 Iron
Stone plate
x6 Blukk berries
966 Gamechips
x2 Fairy gems
x6 Chesto berries
x1 Marine cave map
x1 Oval stone
x2 Shuca berries
236 Gamechips
1786 PD
39 Event points
x7 Ghost gems
1568 PD
2346 PD
899 Gamechips
1281 Gamechips
x7 Ice gems
x10 Flying gems
x1 Fairy gem
2007 PD
1832 PD
2997 PD
Armor fossil
Sail fossil
x8 Weaper berries
3450 PD
1922 PD
x8 Normal gems
x4 Durin berries
x1 Protein
x3 Chople berries
1561 PD

Show hidden content
x1 Fairy gems
3645 PD
123 Event points
x7 Rock gems
x4 Spelon berries
x8 Ground gems
219 PD
2841 PD
Light rock
x5 Payapa berries
x1 HP up
Icicle plate
x7 Rawst berries
x6 Durin berries
Cover fossil
x2 Ground gems
x1 Leaf stone
x3 Ice gems
x8 Electric gems
1272 PD
1002 Gamechips
754 PD
x1 Relic copper
x1 Everstone
3970 PD
x2 Rabuta berries
x9 Cheri berries
301 Gamechips
x3 Nuggets
x1 Carbos
x7 Ice gems
x1 Grass gem
x8 Fighting gems
166 Gamechips
x3 Lum berries

Noteable Loot:
Show hidden content
- 21 Dragon gems
- x2 Terra Cave Maps
- x2 Sky Pillar Maps
- Marine Cave Map
- Vortex of Time Map
- Light Rock
- Stone Plate
- Pixie Plate
- Splash Plate
- Icicle Plate
- Refrigerator
- Microwave
- 443 Event Points
- 106,169 PD

Made by Girafarig <3
Trainerlevel: 88

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Thu, 27/08/2015 10:44 (9 Years ago)
♣ In-game Shinies ♣

Made by Girafarig <3
Trainerlevel: 88

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Thu, 24/12/2015 13:38 (9 Years ago)
♣ Shinies I want ♣

Made by Girafarig <3
Trainerlevel: 88

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Sun, 31/01/2016 20:33 (9 Years ago)
♣ Mega Manectric Hunt ♣

Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #28)!
Congratulations! A special powered Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #67)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #85)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #92)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #121)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #163)!
Congratulations! A special powered Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #167)!
Congratulations! A special powered Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #227)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #252)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #256)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #286)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #317)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #319)!
Congratulations! A special powered Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #339)!
Congratulations! A special powered Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #345)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #361)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #431)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #447)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #459)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #508)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #509)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #545)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #548)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #558)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #593)!
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #599)!
Congratulations! A shiny, special powered Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #600)!

Made by Girafarig <3