I don't know about you guys, but I get really frustrated when I'm
searching through the sea of Gem trades and can't find a specific
type of Gem. So, I thought that maybe if you could search for a
specific Gem type, then it'd be easier. And maybe it could be both
ways, For example, there could be an 'offer' and 'requested' tab.
So, lets say i'm searching for a Ground Gem, and I have an extra
Dark Gem. I could select 'Ground' in the 'Offer' tab (which would
be on the left, where the offer is on the list) and 'Dark' on the
'Requested' tab. If any such trade request existed, it would show.
There could also be a 'N/A' option on either. If you wanted to find
a Dragon Gem and didn't care what you had to offer, for
This is just an idea I had while using the Gem Cauldron.
