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Just your average art shop (temp closed)
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Snom OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 82
Forum Posts: 891
Posted: Fri, 09/05/2014 23:04 (10 Years ago)
Here you are, Lilwan, Sorry, I couldn't fit another pistol into the
Forum Posts: 602
Posted: Fri, 09/05/2014 23:06 (10 Years ago)
Whooaa Your arts are awesome xD
Do you have any available slot for me to request? <:
Forum Posts: 23
Posted: Fri, 09/05/2014 23:07 (10 Years ago)
I'd like a stunfisk splashing around in a mud puddle with a happy
look on its face pl0x. Ily Kelsey
Snom OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 82
Forum Posts: 891
Posted: Fri, 09/05/2014 23:08 (10 Years ago)
Considering you and Hayley both posted within a minute of each
other, by all means, Aeryon, request :)
Forum Posts: 602
Posted: Fri, 09/05/2014 23:12 (10 Years ago)
Oh.. thanks xD and Sorry Stunfisk :p
I know you can't draw humans but can you draw Luffy from One Piece
Draw him as an avatar, I really like him x3
Snom OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 82
Forum Posts: 891
Posted: Fri, 09/05/2014 23:15 (10 Years ago)
Ah, sorry, Aeryon, I really can't do that :(
I just refuse, in general to draw people, lol.
Trust me, it's better that way xp
Forum Posts: 602
Posted: Fri, 09/05/2014 23:23 (10 Years ago)
Oh okay then Hmm...
How about Signature about
this . He was an animal actually x3 Can you draw
He was Tony Tony Chopper from One Piece
Snom OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 82
Forum Posts: 891
Posted: Fri, 09/05/2014 23:26 (10 Years ago)
Chopper, I can absolutely do <3
He's such a cutie~
Forum Posts: 602
Posted: Fri, 09/05/2014 23:29 (10 Years ago)
Yeah.. xD
Make him as a banner and The rest of the design, I can leave up to
you for the imagination :]
Thanks a lot.
Lilwan OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 16
Forum Posts: 591
Posted: Sat, 10/05/2014 02:31 (10 Years ago)
Woah that's awesome!
It's ok if there's only one pistol....
Imma keep stalking here for a slot..... 03o
Quote from Lilwan I
am Espurr God. I am Darkrai God. I am LilGod. I am YOUR
Please give a wow! Thanks!
Snom OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 82
Forum Posts: 891
Posted: Sat, 10/05/2014 02:37 (10 Years ago)
I hated needing to crop it down :c
So I made two so you could chose between either one :3
Enjoy, Eclipse!
Annnnd here's the original, if you need it for whatever reason
Posted: Sat, 10/05/2014 02:39 (10 Years ago)
Hmmm.... I like
both all three :D
Thank you x3 *Send tip ^^*
Lilwan OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 16
Forum Posts: 591
Posted: Sat, 10/05/2014 02:49 (10 Years ago)
Snom OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 82
Forum Posts: 891
Posted: Sat, 10/05/2014 02:51 (10 Years ago)
Lilwan OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 16
Forum Posts: 591
Posted: Sat, 10/05/2014 02:52 (10 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 626
Posted: Wed, 14/05/2014 17:29 (10 Years ago)
Hi can you make Kyogre Playing with others (size like Frankenstein
have on his sig)
And can you make add-ons that likes at my sig?? The Party Box
pokedex and Base Menu like that?? please??
Snom OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 82
Forum Posts: 891
Posted: Wed, 14/05/2014 17:32 (10 Years ago)
Kyogre, please re-read my rules, and request again when a slot is
opened :3
Zorged OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 27
Forum Posts: 434
Posted: Wed, 14/05/2014 17:34 (10 Years ago)
Ummm...Will you do my request, or do I have to post it again?
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Thanks to everyone who helped me on my previous hunts!
Jesen OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 83
Posted: Wed, 14/05/2014 17:35 (10 Years ago)
Oh...may I have a shiny flaaffy on a flower field?J-just if you
want to... <3 Also what tablet did you use? :>
Snom OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 82
Forum Posts: 891
Posted: Wed, 14/05/2014 17:36 (10 Years ago)
P..please read my rules, guys ;A;
It's not much, I swear.
Zorges, yes, you'll need to wait till a slot opens up, I won't do
reservations since it's not fair to others who have been patiently
waiting for a slot to open up~
@ Flaff, I use just a regular ol' intuos wacom tablet xp
I use paint tool sai for all of my drawings.