You are an awesome drawer. I should quit my shop, it's not as good
a quality you have with yours.
May I request a close up shot of a Riolu with a blue gem in its
forehead and green eyes? And please make it 150*150 pixels.
Rage || More
rage || Ultimate
rage"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about
something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin
color, your sexual preference or otherwise." - Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Wow. You got incredible art skills! Can I request something?
Can you make me an awesome Shiny Houndoom Banner? I don't know the
exact pixels, but whatever works best for a banner size for you.
All I really care about is that the moon is somewhere in the
banner. That would be great, thanks!
This is great, almost like Masae (who made the kyogre banner). You
should go on DeviantART, I bet you'll be famous there :D
Rage || More
rage || Ultimate
rage"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about
something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin
color, your sexual preference or otherwise." - Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Thanks a bunch, guys for the compliments, but I'll need to ask that
you guys wait until a slot opens up before you guys request
and as for dev art, I have an account on there, but don't use it,
I personally just don't like the userbase there, they're just...
snobby for the most part :x
Since there's an available slot...
May I request a close up shot of a Riolu with a blue gem in its
forehead and green eyes? And please make it 150*150 pixels.
Rage || More
rage || Ultimate
rage"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about
something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin
color, your sexual preference or otherwise." - Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Can you make me a Shiny Houndoom banner, now that a slot has opened
up? Thanks~
So basically, I want it to have trees and the moon included in it,
and about the same size of that Shiny Umbreon banner you made. Btw,
love your artwork ^^
Size doesnt matter! *o*
So lovely and Okami-sh style ouo since I see many Okami fanarts and
even if they are awesome they are far too realistic and dont look
like Okami xD but this does!
Moegami: Hellooooo we are fire and thunder gods
You: Wait were is the other?
Gekigami: Im heeeere! Just laying
I didnt remember how big Moe was xD
I will make another request of Okami when you have spare time ouo
Sorry Lilwan, you'll need to wait until your previous request is
done, wouldn't be very fair for others who are waiting on a request
when you already have one in :)