"I see....hmmm wait does that mean...that maybe i did something to
make you partially hate me which caused Lyra's maternal instincts
to kick in and cause her to glare at me like that?" Levex said half
joking and half teasing. "Sure lets walk around some more unless
you want to go back to class, though it seems like what there
teaching is somewhat behind on what i already studied." Getting out
of the pool Levex turned and used his gravity to lift Yuki up and
set her down next to him. "You know Yuki we should probably get
some food, now that i think about it we haven't eaten in awhile."
"Huh, no no no, it's not because of that!" she denied loudly as she
shook her head. "It's um, probably because I was feeling slight
uncomfortable earlier, and Lyra's instinct is always too sharp" she
giggled slight. "Hm, we've probably already missed a few periods,
so let's just go get some food first before we went to the next
period" she suggest as she walked to the pool bench. "I'll go
change now, okay?" she smiled slight at him as she picked up her
bag and the sleeping Lyra.
Inside the changing room, Lyra opened her eyes slight as she stared
at Yuki who is currently looking in her bag. "You okay?" she
mumbled slight, her voice a bit muffled since she's still lying on
her paws. "Oh, you're awake?" Yuki said absentmindedly as she took
out a simple white shirt and a dark blue jeans. "And I'm fine, I
guess... What makes you think I'm not?" she looked at Lyra in
confusion as she gathered her change clothes on her arms. "Hm,
nuthin'. G' way 'n change~ 'm hungry~" Lyra muttered sleepily. Yuki
shook her head slight. "Alright alright, I'll change as fast as I
could" she said as she went into the changing room.
"Ok" Levex replied cheerfully "see you in bit", Changing rather
quickly he got back and waited on a bench for Yuki to return. While
waiting he suddenly had a thought about his parents leaning back
and looking up to the sky he had a slight sadness in his eyes.
Yuki emerged from the changing room wearing a white shirt and dark
blue jeans, a towel wrapped around her head. She collect all her
swimming equipments away in her bag, her towels included, before
turning to the sleeping fox. "Oi Lyra" she poked the slumbering
fox. Said fox only twitched once, then gave no other response.
Sighing, Yuki took out a light blue rubber hairbands and quickly
tied her slight damp hair in a low ponytail. Slinging the bag on,
she took Lyra in her arms then head outside.
"Thank you for waiting, and sorry if it's a bit too long" she
smiled sheepishly as she sat next to Levex. "Hey Levex, is there
something wrong?" she frowned as she saw his distracted and sad
Waking from his memories, Levex turned to Yuki with a bright smile
he said "I am fine, was just lost in some thoughts thats all. But
have you decided on what to eat?" Levex asked in curiosity.
(That's alright. I just got online today as well X'D)
"Hm... I don't know..." Yuki hummed lightly as she stared at the
sky, thinking. "How about we just look around for food first? Then
we can think what we each want" she suddenly said, smiling at
Standing up Levex replied "sounds good, i hope they have lots of
things i haven't tried before." he said with enthusiasm as he
reached his hand out towards Yuki to help her up.
"Well, I guess we got that settled now" she said as she took his
hand. She patted her back for a while before taking her bag,
holding Lyra in her other arm. "How about we both put both of our
bags first, then meet at the fountain again, then search for food?"
she suggest.
(Gomenasai minna-san!!! many things happend which send me to dorm
for more than half year so im not active >.< I hope you still
like to Rp *and i understand if you don't but i'll hope
'Smell nice....wait what?! wah! Mira you idiot don't think about
that!!!'Mira shout inside her head and blush (if possible) even
Drake chuckled and scoot closer to Addie "You nerveous?" he asked
"What? You thinking something about me?" Blake asked with a cheeky
tone as he rubbed her back and said in a gentle voice "don't worry,
i won't do anything unless you are okay with it" he rested his chin
on her shoulder and closed his eyes while smiling gently
Adelicia's nervousness was really showing now, her hands were
trembling slightly and she was looking everywhere but Drake's face
"u-uh, u-um...." she pursed her lips tightly and closed her eyes
and gave a vigorous nod