"HECK TO THE NO!" the Buizel shouted, throwing a bag of Doritos to
the ground, causing Bellatone, Aura, Millie, and Lucas to pile onto
each other trying to get it.
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up
Cocoa danced and said, "Honestly, I don't care for doritos! Oreos
for the win!" She gets an Oreo and a glass of milk. "Now, I will
teach you all how to eat an Oreo properly, most people just eat it
on the spot, but no, this is the correct way to do it." She twists
the top off the oreo. "Twist," She licks the cream and puts the top
back on. "Lick, And..." She dips it in the milk and eats the Oreo.
Was really needed? WATER GUN! Q'Warr screams! NINTENDO IS EVILER
Username: xHaxorus_Starx RP Name: Solar Gender: Female Pokémon Species: Espeon Moves: Signal Beam, Confusion, Shadow Ball, Dazzling
Gleam Level: 42 Fourth Wall Breaking Skills: She learns 3 more every 15
minutes Personality: Funny. Very awkward around normal people (I
think she's safe here) Appearance: White with wings Other Info/Questions:
Username: xHaxorus_Starx RP Name: Kiwi Gender: Female Pokémon Species: Axew Moves: Assurance, Dual Chop, Slash, Dragon Claw Level: 29 Fourth Wall Breaking Skills: 7 3/4 Personality: Shy and quiet. Appearance: Normal Axew Other Info/Questions:
Username: xHaxorus_Starx RP Name: Neon Gender: Male Pokémon Species: Scolipede Moves: Megahorn, Pursuit, Bug Bite, Earthquake Level: 37 Fourth Wall Breaking Skills: Nachos. Personality: Crazy and fun, always the life of the
party. Appearance: Shiny Scolipede Other Info/Questions: If you still aren't taking shinies,
then he's the same, but a Zoroark instead.
"Summers and
through snowy
Sat by the water, close
to the embers. Missing out the lives that they
once hadbefore..."
~Willow-Jasmine Thompson
Rp name:Karpy
Pokemon: Magikarp
4th wall breaking skills: infinity and a half
Personality: derpy and Magikarpy
Moves: splash
Appearance: normal
Username: MyraFireFox RP Name: Mythril Gender: Female Pokémon Species: Luxray Moves: Crunch, Thunderbolt, Ice Fang, Toxic Level: 62 Fourth Wall Breaking Skills: somewhere between 1 and
99999 Personality: Slightly insane, quite intelligent, silly, unable
to write a Personality that works Appearance: Normal Luxray with metal claws and metallic
fur Other Info/Questions: Owns a laptop which she uses to play
computer games such as Minecraft
The magical white hand set Neon and Kiwi in the P.C. Neon threw
nachos everywhere and Kiwi just sat and stared at people
"Summers and
through snowy
Sat by the water, close
to the embers. Missing out the lives that they
once hadbefore..."
~Willow-Jasmine Thompson
Mythril blinked and looked around, disoriented. She was in a room,
and her character form listed her as slightly insane, which she
took offense to.
Mythril went out to explore the environment and maybe kill the
fourth wall. "Scratch that, utterly destroy the fourth wall,"
Mythril told the closet, which promptly opened and released a swarm
of Cave Spiders from Myra's cave system in Minecraft.
Mythril picked up her computer and killed them in-server, which
killed them in-box.
"Don't open again, closet," she told the closet, which opened again
and created a portal to Gringotts.
Bellatone screeched as two teenagers strutted in. "Shut up Komaeda.
Stop singing that idiotic song." And the other teenager was
singing, "Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty,
sleepy kitty, purr purr purr."
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up
"Where am I! Is this a pc?"Karpy the magikarp yelled. "If its the
one I read about on pokeheroes.com, I will curse and say son of a
bisharp as much as I want!"
( heh heh. Son of a bisharp )