Forum Thread
TCO - High school rp
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → TCO - High school rpmelody:"nothing, why do you ask?"
melody:"i uh was thinking about last night."
melody:she blushes really hard,"better than anything."
melody:i will go get changed."
melody:she wears her most se*y swimsuit
melody:she gives a pose and blushes,"how do i look?"
melody:she runs and hugs josh blushing
melody:she dives
Form 1.
Name: faith.
Age: 17.
Gender: female.
Pokemon: clefairy.
Hobbies: reading and sketching.
History: to be roleplayed
Crush: not at the moment.
Bf/gf: nope, not yet.
Password: ~~~~~~.
Other/any question: nope, pretty much good.
Form 2.
Name: Pyro.
Age: 19
Gender: male.
Pokemon: typhlosion.
Hobbies: practicing his sport's skill's.
History: to be roleplayed.
Crush: not really.
Bf/gf: nope, not really.
Password: ^^^^
Other /any question: ^^^^