The blue houndoom quickly bit Blaziken's leg when he tried to use
sky uppercut on snorlax. Then he threw Blaziken to the ground.
"This is not a place for fun and games. Please do not attempt to
attack each other or else i will be forced to prey upon you two."
Shiny Houndoom said. "I do like snorlax fat a lot .. and .. hmm
Blaziken.. are you a bird or chicken? Any in case, i love both.
Don't tempt me."
Suddenly multiple Houndooms and houndours arrived at the gate.
They surrounded Snorlax and Blaziken. They moved around in a circle
formation and was extremely happy that they might get to have
snorlax fat and chicken food for dinner.
The houndooms quickly gathered together and used confusion on
Then the Shiny Houndoom used blast burn. The houndours to the left
used flamethrower on Blaziken.
They completely ignored the Snorlax... and Snorlax started to eat
the fish stew.