(I lied about the evil and wrathful part. I made Tyranno a Tyrunt
because his first appearance is Tyrunt but he evolves because he
was frozen lev 17 but he leveled up in the ice. an power surge from
his actual level + sunlight made him Tyrantrum.)
-Now it begins!
The small Tyrunt began rumbling. Out comes an powerful
-I am King Tyranno!
(I lied about the evil and wrathful part. I made Tyranno a Tyrunt
because his first appearance is Tyrunt but he evolves because he
was frozen lev 17 but he leveled up in the ice. an power surge from
his actual level + sunlight made him Tyrantrum.)
-Now it begins!
The small Tyrunt began rumbling. Out comes an powerful
-I am King Tyranno!
//1. that's not possible, Tyrunt evolves at lvl 38
2. Don't lie in your form or else others will get confused
3. Tyrunt isn't even an ice type, it makes no sense to evolve while
"Oh yeah, my name's Xeno. I traveled with Reyn to help him find
you." She chirped. "I guess without her I wouldn't have found you."
Reyn sheepishly smiled.
posts slowed down... is this still open/valid? if it is...
•Pokeheroes Name: pokeperson00
•RP Name: aurey
•Gender: female
•Level: 5
•Pokémon Species: (Must Be Fossil Pokémon/Fossil Fakemon)
•Moveset: growl, powder snow, thunder wave
•Held Item: none
•Crush: none
•Extra Information: hatched on a high mountain cliff, fell by
accident and was unhurt aside from damage to the aurora-like fin
things above my eyes. never was able to find my parent[s] (unknown
if one or both, as I never found my original nest)
•Appearance: normal, light-ish blue with dark-ish blue diamonds on
my sides. the big fin above my right eye has a ragged edge at the
very top, over the left it's lost another inch or so, with a
similar longer ragged edge.
[if this isn't happening I still made the character because funs]