Forum Thread
Wonder Key / PokéDiamonds
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Wonder Key / PokéDiamondsAlso, a few things to be addressed/suggested;
1) There should also be keys for Hard, Starter, and Pokemon of other rarities than the ones listed above. They don't even have to be from the games.
2) Perhaps there can be a special way to obtain Cobalion, and possibly Terrakion and Virizion as well, using the Toy Pokemon. Perhaps the rumbling Pokemon could find something to unlock/obtain the Musketeer Trio.
3) If Cobalion gets a Wonder Key, so should the rest of the Musketeer Trio. Just my two cents on that topic.
I do like the idea of making Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion available in a special way pertaining to Toy Pokémon! ^^ In the official games, though, Terrakion is in Canyon, which doesn't exist on PH because it was newly added in Rumble Blast and didn't exist in the original Rumble game. If they can only be found in certain areas, where should Terrakion be? (Virizion is in the [Silent] Forest, and Cobalion is in the [Rocky] Cave.)
The only reason Cobalion gets a special key and the others don't is because Cobalion has his own key in the actual game, while the others use the generic boss (or boss Legendary, if there's a different key for them) in the game.
Thank you for the support! ^^
Edit: Do you guys think it's okay to have the Keys that are used on Easy, Medium, Hard, and Rare Pokémon each work for two rarities?
Edit 2: How does this sound for a more specific method to obtain Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion?
If a Toy Pokémon of any type is sent on a 12-hour mission in a Silent Forest or (wherever Terrakion appears), and the area is Level 25 or higher, there is a 5% chance that a Special Event like when Eevee evolves will occur. It will show artwork of a sparkling, yellow launch pad with an ! on it, like the ones shown before battling a Legendary Pokémon in Rumble Blast. You can then choose Fight! or Return to Rumble Base; the former activates a battle like the ones against Kyogre and Groudon, with a Pokémon that is around level 200 having a good chance of winning. There will be artwork of either a Terrakion/Virizion on the ground looking exactly like it would if it was about to be recruited or of Terrakion/Virizion standing imposingly with the Wonder Key used for boss Pokémon floating above it (the former if you win, or the latter if you lose). Your Pokémon returns from its mission one hour later, and you will receive a Cobalion/Terrakion/Virizion Egg or a voucher therefor if it won. If you chose to Return to Rumble Base, it will simply retrieve it from its mission normally. After defeating both Terrakion AND Virizion, at the same time that you receive the Egg/voucher for whichever you defeated second, you will also receive an Egg/voucher for Cobalion; Cobalion then becomes available in Rocky Cave in the same way as these two.
I will post a fake screenshot if I remember to make one when my Rumbling Pokémon return.
I know it seems complex, but I must reiterate that it would only be for a select few Pokémon (up to Riako's discretion), and I think it would be a really nice idea! I don't even mind if it's just one Pokémon that can be affected; I just like the idea of having a Toy Pokémon available somehow. ^^
Actually, please wait! I'm going to update the first post to be clearer and to contain slightly altered ideas, so please hold on before reviewing it!
A few minutes late, but the thread is back up with some much-needed updates! : D
support :D
everything looks so well explained there :O
maybe we could purchase a starting toy pokemon at the shop or something like that? (if I missed this on the main post I am sorry xD)
First, please allow me to point you to the second half of that quote. Toy Pokémon are not so much "missing" Pokémon as they are an entirely different kind of Pokémon, so that quote doesn't actually apply here because they aren't being planned for "sooner or later." Additionally, there is absolutely nothing to indicate that they are being added, as Toy Pokémon haven't even been mentioned anywhere on the site.
Second, it's not "needed," but no suggestion is. The site technically doesn't need anything new past its current state. Things that need fixing are put in Bug Reports, but suggestions (especially for new features) are entirely optional; even if they were implemented, a user could still use the site using only features that existed from the start, and simply choose to ignore other features. While some suggestions are helpful in ways that address problems, not everything has to be; Riako even added an entire section for new features, which aren't actually needed at all if their aim isn't to improve an existing feature. Suggestions, from what I can tell, are approved according to how many users would like them, not according to whether or not they are necessary.
Third, Toy Pokémon are official, so one person not liking them doesn't exactly mean that they should be treated as nonexistent even when other people would want them; I think the option "I wouldn't use it" might be more accurate (this is only going off of what you said, though; if there are other things that would affect you even if you chose not to use it, and that is what you're against, then I won't force you to change your vote or anything). ^^
Apologies if any of this came off as rude, or as a personal attack, or anything like that. I'm just trying to clarify some things in regards to your arguments. ^^