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Blood Diamond-(a Creepypasta)

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Blood Diamond-(a Creepypasta)
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 747
Posted: Sat, 15/02/2014 07:21 (10 Years ago)
During the summer, I have to go with my mom to clean beach houses. I get to check underneath couch cushions and in drawers, so I can find some pretty fun stuff. My favorite was a copy of Pokemon Emerald, which I still have and cherish.

One day when I was checking underneath a bed in one of my favorite houses, I spotted a copy of Pokemon Diamond. I was overjoyed since I never had that game and my copy of Pearl had been stolen in 6th grade. I quickly put the game into my pocket, and continued to clean the house.

When we were finished and had gotten home, I decided to put the Diamond game into my DS. Looking closely at it, I saw a few scratches on the paper. I knew the game was used, so it didn't concern me. I turned my DS on, and started up the game. It started up as usual, and I decided to trade over any Pokemon that the previous owner had to my copy of HeartGold so I could transfer them to Y.

When the game came to the home screen, I noticed that there was no Continue option. I was a bit disappointed, since I could've gotten an Infernape or Torterra out of the game. I decided to start a new game, just for the memories and since I was bored. As usual, the game loaded with Prof. Rowan coming out and giving his speech. When it came to me choosing my gender, I noticed that the female character looked a bit different. She had gray hair, and her dress was a bright red. I realized that the game must've somehow been hacked, which trilled me since I had never played a hacked game. I chose the female character, and named her Comet.

Having a hacked game was pretty awesome, so the game was instantly loved by me. When I played through the game up 'til I got my Pokemon, I knew I was going to choose the fire-type so that Barry had the water-type. I selected Chimchar quickly, while Barry got Piplup. When we finally battled, I found that we didn't have the right Pokemon. Comet had a Charmander, while Barry had a Mudkip. It was probably part of the hack, and I felt that the different starter fit Comet better.

The rest of the game continued as usual for the main story. I collected the Gym Badges, Barry had his butt handed to him, and Team Galactic was trying to summon Dialga. It was at the Spear Pillar where the game took the turn. When Dialga was summoned, I noticed that it looked more like Primal Dialga from the PMD games than Dialga from the main series games. The music suddenly turned dark, slowing down and inching by. The screen when black for a second, and Mars disappeared. Cyrus and Jupiter looked concerned, then it happened again. This time Jupiter was gone, and Cyrus was left alone. He said, "Their blood, stains the pillar." That's when I noticed that dark red circles laid where Mars and Jupiter once stood. The screen went dark again, and there was a text box at the bottom, a scream.

The screen came back, and Cyrus was gone as well. The blood was all over the pillar, and Dialga was covered in it. I had to keep going through the story, since there was no way I could save the game and turn it off. Dialga started to walk towards me and Barry, and our characters began to slowly back away. Dialga stopped and roared, turned the screen black again. When I came back, Barry was gone. All alone on the Spear Pillar, battle music began to play.

The battle between me and Dialga began. It looked normal, except for Dialga's sprite was still covered in blood. My Charizard when into battle, and I quickly selected Flamethrower. There was absolutely no way I was going to catch that murdering Pokemon, so I just intended to defeat it. Before Charizard could attack, Dialga used a move. I couldn't read what it said, since it was all glitch text. My Charizard was defeated, and I had to choose a different Pokemon. I looked through my party, and noticed that Charizard wasn't there anymore. I chose to send out my Machamp next, since I had HG to help with trade evos. I selected a Fighting-type move, to find the same thing occurred as with Charizard. Next came Staraptor, and the process repeated. I was until able to do anything with the remainder of my party. Luxray, Gyarados, Roserade; they all fell to Dialga.

When all my team had been defeated, instead of whiting out, I was where a Pokemon would go. Comet was battling against Dialga. I quickly grabbed the Master Ball, and used it on Dialga. That I knew would work. Dialga instead broke free of the ball, and made its sick roaring sound again. The battle music slowed down, becoming creepier than before. A text box said at the bottom, "YoU ARe aLl tHAt'S lEfT..." The screen went black, and the roar could be heard again. When it came back, Dialga could be seen surrounded by blood, it's own body bright red. It let out one last roar, and the screen faded to black.

The game had reset, and the opening began again. The Dialga right before the home screen came up was different though, it was a dark, crimson red color. I pressed the A button, and it let out the horrible sound again. On the home screen however, it was just as when I first got the game. The Continue option was gone, all that was left to do was press New Game...

Thanks for taking the time to read this! This is my first time at writing a Creepypasta, so I don't know how it compares to others.

1. Any personal information I shared is true. Both about my real life and the games I own.
2. I have never played Diamond, and I haven't played Pearl since it got stolen. I was basing the Spear Pillar moment off of parts of Platinum.
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 131
Posted: Sat, 15/02/2014 07:28 (10 Years ago)
Nice. It's really nice. It's your first time writing one of these right? I hope you keep writing more!
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 747
Posted: Sat, 15/02/2014 07:30 (10 Years ago)
Thanks! Writing has never really been my strongest point, so knowing that people like my writing is great for me. ^o^
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 159
Posted: Sat, 15/02/2014 07:33 (10 Years ago)
good work (Y)

My badges:

Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Sun, 16/02/2014 00:27 (10 Years ago)
After reading this, I can say that writing most certainly is one of your strong points. Fabulous work. I applaud you.
-Is an eternal wip-