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Forum Thread

Proflie Pics

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanarts Proflie Pics
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Fri, 10/07/2015 14:50 (8 Years ago)
Hey guys. It's AttackonTitan here or you can call me Jean or Onyx. I cant rlly do anything moving but I can try.

You can also go to my piZap profile at:

Rules: All PH rules apply
* If I don't do your profile pic in a few days it means I'm getting to it
* Please don't say "Do mine next please" over and over I will do the pics in order in which they came

Collage: choose http://www.pizap.com/pizap-app.php?initialstate=collage

Design: choose: square, custom, Landscape, portrait

Edit a Photo ( just send me the link and what you want edited)

What's in the Design:
Anything else:

Steps to make it 150*150 ( Don't have to fix if custom)
1. save pic
2. open up folders (pictures) and find the Proflie pic
3. open up with paint
4. click resize, pixels and unclick the maintain aspect ratio
5. type in what ever number you want( for pokeheroes its 150 by 150) click done and save

Thanks for stopping by! Come back soon! ^.^