Forum Thread
Leptro's Shiny Hunt Journal
Forum-Index → Diaries → Leptro's Shiny Hunt JournalGot the pokeradar on 2/11/14.
Be a kind soul and please Donate? c:
February 11, 14
Good Luck!

February 12, 2014
Next Shiny Hunt
I plan to do a shiny Azurill hunt.

Evolves into Marill with a soothe bell

Evolves into Azumarill at level 18

Next Shiny Hunt
I plan to do a shiny Azurill hunt.

Evolves into Marill with a soothe bell

Evolves into Azumarill at level 18

Addio, e hanno una buona giornata :)
So, I think I am going to hunt aron next. Until, I have a male azurill, I will be hunting other pokemon.

February 30, 2014
Next Shiny Hunt
I plan to do a shiny Aron hunt.

Evolves into Lairon starting at level 32

Evolves into Aggron at level 42

Evolves into Mega Aggron with the Aggronite

Next Shiny Hunt
I plan to do a shiny Aron hunt.

Evolves into Lairon starting at level 32

Evolves into Aggron at level 42

Evolves into Mega Aggron with the Aggronite

April 11, 14
Good Luck!

I plan to do a shiny Azurill hunt.

Evolves into Marill with a soothe bell

Evolves into Azumarill at level 18

Evolves into Marill with a soothe bell

Evolves into Azumarill at level 18