"Well, i'm going to explore!" Little Bill chirped and waddled off.
He was walking around until he saw two pokemon. "What thief, him?"
He asked innocently, pointing at the thief.
"Well," Endrea said glancing up at Vincent listening to Little
Bill, "There's not much I can do even if you were the Vincent after
all I'm not royalty. It's a small box isn't it?" Endrea asked
chuckling and stepping aside for the Gallade.
(sorry i was cleaning)
"I thought it would be good for Mimew to know about this just
incase she might need to have a, you know, 'early coronation'"
Sissy explained, "Which reminds me, tomorrow she needs to learn to
control her box magic"
"You too." Feathers said, landing on a shelf with an outstretched
wing to bow. He flew into the air again playfully and flew over her
head. "You're a royal, aren't you?"
(Yes and I believe Flare has giraffe magic)
"Cool!" He said, doing a few stunts energetically. "I think I
should go now..." He chirped as he looked back to the book he had
"Mama what's box magic?" Asked Mimew
"You'll see tomorrow, now continue on your book i need to check on
something" Sissy said, and then got up, examining the room
Angelica smiled. "See you later!" She told him with a happy tone.
She walked away from the books. He was nice... She thought
as she walked towards the exit.