Forum Thread
FNaF Anime Roleplay
Forum-Index → Roleplay → FNaF Anime Roleplay(Glaceonheart, MsAbsol, BlueEyesWhiteKitten, Purrasol, Jaspers.)

I am trash :<
Bon heard Chica yelling and started to prance nervously "oh not much, um I kinda have to hide so ill see you later!" and got ready to make a run for it
(Quick note: She is usually kind and stuff, but this is one of the rare times when she does get angry/vicious/
She darted into a vent and came out on the other side, then ran up to another one and looked in. "BON!!!" She roared, reaching in to pull her out.
(Glaceonheart, MsAbsol, BlueEyesWhiteKitten, Purrasol, Jaspers.)

I am trash :<
(Glaceonheart, MsAbsol, BlueEyesWhiteKitten, Purrasol, Jaspers.)

I am trash :<
(Ok this is getting weird someone say something to her or something)