Forum Thread
The evil truth
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The evil truthzach: ok i have a question how did you know that i needed to get on the monorail in the first place?
zach: alright now gym should just be up that hill
-runs up the hill and enters the gym-
-gallade get out of it's pokeball and blocks the push-
zach: that guy really need to learn how to move.but anyways i came here for a battle and i'm gonna get one,
*time skip in the battle*
-pawnierd evolved into bisharp-
*time skip and wins the battle*
zach: to easy.
* time skip *
Kioiki won the match plus Espurr evolved into Mewstic .
Kioiki: an easy battle made you evolved well that's good for us .
zach: where to next...unbelievable i have to go back to lumiose city and travel through two routes then i make it to laverre city -sighs- better get a move on then.