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Diary of a Mudkip

Forum-Index Diaries Diary of a Mudkip
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 07:35 (9 Years ago)


This is my fake/fiction diary. I'm going to try to make this the funniest I can, maybe even a little sad at times, I don't know. Please enjoy yourself and do note that I am not a mudkip and not related to Gamefreak or Riako. All opioins I state here are all mine, they might not be true.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 07:52 (9 Years ago)


When I was first hatched, I had no way of knowing that I would go on such adventures. I was hatched in lavender town. I was the only pokemon for a fare while. But I didn't know why. I knew basic info, my name, my pokemon type and where I lived. I had no owner, or parents. In fact I didn't even know how I got here. The town was a pale purple and pink. The town had an eerie silent in it. But being newly hatched I wasn't to know what that meant, or even what it was. But I could tell something was off put about this place. So I decided to get out of here as soon as possible. So I walked and I walked and I walked.....
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 06:06 (9 Years ago)


After walking for about a day I reach another city. It looks peaceful and it has lots of trees, which for me is a plus. I wander around a bit until I find a sign; Kinan City "A kind, sweet, and exquisite city." I walk up a path with is full of people. I try dodge around then, but more feet keep walking near me.Then it started to rain. A few seconds of rain and the town's folk were off into there houses. In the rush, I stumbled into a puddle of mud. The mud was cold and I thought it would wash off with the rain, but no, it stayed. I have to find some place to stay I thought. So I walked on until I saw a little house surrounded by trees.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 12:10 (9 Years ago)

I woke up to a creaking door. I had waited around a bit near the door of the cottage when it was light. But it had long since turned to night. I must have fallen asleep I thought to myself as I sat up to take a look at why the door was opening. "AWWW! It's so cute!" I looked. A small girl, around 8 years old, was looking at me with big green eyes. Hmm....It's muddy, oh well. Mother can clean you. Or should I? I don't care. YOUR JUST SO CUTE! She picked me up in her arms and turned to turn to go inside. "I've never seen a pokemon like you before. But I'm sure your not vicious. Are you? You don't look vicious. In fact, you look like you even hurt a fly. Or could you? Maybe you are but you just look cute." She kept rambling but I didn't listen. I was to busy looking around the house from the couch were she had now sat. It look grand. And it was warm. I was happy here. And she didn't seem like such a scary person. She quickly stopped talking and looked down at me. "Oh yeah, I forgot. You are all muddy. MUM!"