(@Cherry It's okay! Just sayin tho o3o)
Blackbird listened to Shadedfur ordering Kioiki. She sighed and
shook her head slightly, then went to lay in the shade. She rested
her head on her paws and closed her eyes to try to make up for her
lost sleep.
(Shadow_Girl-One liners?/I was sick for a while and too tired to go
Wishflower went to go find some Snakeroot. She didn't have much to
do and it was low in stock. As she was making her way towards the
usual spot where it grew, a shadow formed oddly for a second.
fail attempt to make a prophecy She grew tense, it might
have been an enemy.
( it is count as two lines one line for the info of what character
is doing and second line for what the character in saying . )
Kioiki found a cave and goes inside it .
Kioiki: now that's a good place .
( and she started to scratch her nails on the walls of the cave .)
//which plan?????? The one I pmed you about or the badger?
Kioki does not sound like a Warrior name aT ALL
And I thought we were accepting semi- literate roleplayers.
Some people are just cringe worthy tbfh
That's fine, hun. If it is alright with you
may I become the new mod of this roleplay?
Meaning I move it to a new thread so I am able to be the owner and
stuff? I would hate to see this roleplay die.
((It could help to have all the people wanting to join to also give
a sample post? Also, I wouldn't mind making shadedfur leader of
another clan so there's some confrontation? I also don't mind
playing things like badgers or foxes as separate posts.)