(I was going to announce it at highrock when the rest of the cats
came back to camp but k)
"I'm coming." Mangostar leapt off of the rock, and trotted over.
"Might as well. You never know." Mangostar nodded to Flintpelt to
lead the way.
Silverblossom, who had devoured the prey in a few ravenous gulps
noticed Flintpelt and the others heading out of camp. She jumped to
her feet and bounded towards them. "Are you going on a hunting
patrol?" she inquired. "I'd like to come if you don't have enough
Mangostar turned towards Silverblossom for a bit. "We're going on
border patrol. You can come if you like." Mangostar then trotted
off after the group.
"Oh, good enough," Silverblossom replied. "I'll come, but hopefully
we wont run into the mousebrains from the other clans." She trailed
at the back of the patrol, glancing around as they went.
Cat name: Kioiki
Moons old: 15 moons old
Gender: Female
Rank: warrior
Picture/Description: a black cat wits green eyes and has a cut mark
on her back .
Personality: serious , don't like to live in crowd and could hurt
your feelings easily .
Kin: she has been living alone .
History: in her childhood she was weak and that was the reason her
family left her alone at 3 moons .
Password: Let it rip !!!!
(You told her were the password is... But I'm out of this. I'm
going to make Cloudfur magi my appear in the group same with
Tigerstorm walked in the front of the group "I bet we will run into
Cloudfur bounced next to him "I bet we will see a dragon!"
"What's a dragon?!" The sandy striped tom hissed in his
The beautiful white she-cat shrugged and purred a little "I don't
do it! I'm perfect and your perfect in your our little ways