Ginger smiled, "of course I wouldn't let my friends get hurt, they
mean to much to loose them" Ginger giggled
do you want Ginger and frozenfire to go on an adventure? :3
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.
yay i'll interact with it :D
Ginger heard another rustle and picked up the sound of mechanics.
"FROZENFIRE LOOK OUT!" Ginger pushed frozenfire out of the way has
a metal hand-like thing grabbed the kids and pulled them in the
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.
im going to do this just because team rocket always does it XD
the attack had caused the machine to explode, sending two people
and a meowth sent flying "team rockets blasting off again!" they
called, but the children were also sent flying, but in a different
direction. "Oh no!" Ginger yelled and ran to where the children
were heading
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.
Ginger kept looking until she found emerald, "Emerald! have you
seen the others?" Ginger heard the spinerack starting to come out
on the web. "Hide!" ginger took emerald and hid in a bush
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.
Ginger ll: "yeah im fine.. but I don't know where my brothers are
Ginger: "we have to find them before the spinerack do!" Ginger
snuck around the web and searched for sunny and flare
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.
Frozenfire heard a cry, and ran off to find the source. He skidded
to a halt as a bunch of grass types surrounded him, and sighed
"Ginger! I need your help"