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Pokémon – The Story of Darcy

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Pokémon – The Story of Darcy
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 26/05/2015 17:15 (9 Years ago)
Page 1: Here we go

When I was 12, I wanted to go on my own Pokémon journey like the rest of the kids my age but my parents didn't allow me. In exchange they decided to give me a Pokémon of my own Sneasel, an ice type dark type Pokémon.

At first I didn't like Sneasel because it was an ice type Pokémon, because I am tired of this cold weather. Snowpoint is a boring town when it’s always freezing, and there is never anything to do in my opinion.

But tonight is the night I am going to escape this town. I agreed to meet my friend Jaz, outside Snowpoint temple at 9:00 and from there catch our boat that leaves at 10:00 to freedom in Pastoria city.

I grab a bag; I put in my clothing and formal clothing, because I might enter a contest you never know. I change from my pj's to my black pants, my white tank top, and my black knee length coat. I put my hair in a pony tail, put on a hat, I put my Pokémon belt and I throw my pokeball Sneasel pops out "Sneasel" I say "tonight is the night of the escape," Sneasel gives me his dark smile, and I put my pillows under my blankets so my parents think I am asleep. When they come and check up on me every night.

I open the window "Sneasel use icy winds," he does, I jump out of my window, luckily the snow is soft. Sneasel jumps up and closes the window; I grab my pokeball "thanks Sneasel for your help." It's a cold night in Snowpoint city today, colder than usual I take my first step, my first step to freedom and it feels so great.
I walk in the forest leaving my past and beginning my future of freedom.

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Fri, 29/05/2015 20:49 (9 Years ago)

Title: Page 2 - Page 4

Page 2: I’m in for the ride
When I get to Snowpoint temple I check my watch it sais 9:05, why isn't he here. I decided to wait 5 minutes, why did Jaz not come. Is he late or did he regret coming on this adventure and decide to tell my parents, thinking about this I decided to meet with Jaz on the boat. I clearly told Jaz that if I didn't see him here I would leave without him.

I walk to my cousins' gym, my cousin is Candice and when I am really I will face her in a gym battle. People say I look like Candice I just have her black hair, and unlike her I have icy-blue eyes. My parent's love that about me, that I have Icy-blue eyes they love everything ice, that is why they live in Snowpoint city. I hate it. It's just cold.

I pass the gym, check the time it is 9:25, 20 minutes I made good time but still. I can't miss the boat; it might be my only chance at escape from Snowpoint city.

I am beginning to chase my own dreams not my parents.

I need to hurry up; to the pokemart I still forgot to buy pokeballs. I still can't believe I almost forgot to buy pokeballs, well I guess my parents will find out about it. But when I am in Pastoria they wouldn't be able to control me.

At the counter it's my friend Anita, "Hey Anita" she looks surprised to see me. Probably because my parent have a curfew of 8:15 and I have to be in bed at 8:45. "Darcy, why are you here," she said, I take a deep breath "Could you sell me 6 pokeballs." She looks shocked that I asked her, Anita sais in a small voice "I am not permitted to sell you pokeball, or anybody because if we do we will be fired." What fired, my parents why did they do that, oh right I know to try to stop me. Then Anita said "They said no to sell them to you but I can buy them for you, and give them to you." My face brightened, "give me your bag," she said I give her my pouch not my bag, she goes to the pokeball counter and gets pokeballs. "It will be $1000” I hand over the money but it left a dent in my wallet thought, but I need the pokeballs "Thanks" and I left.

I check my watch 9:45 I run to the pier. Gasping for breath when I get there, "Ticket please" said a person from the boat. I check in my bag when I remember that I left it my pouch. I open my pouch and I don't see my ticket, I clearly remember putting it there, Anita. She must have done it, in order to stop me from leaving from Snowpoint. "I forgot my ticket," then he said "no ticket no ride" Anita must have been counting on that. Then a familiar voice sais "She is with me, she is my party of two," I turn around I see Jaz, he says to me "Hey Darse," his nickname for me "I thought you weren't going to make it." He angrily checks his list "are you Darcy Black," I smile at him "yes" he grunts "well then, go on."

I run up and hug Jaz, "you're a total lifesaver, Jaz,” I whisper in his ear. Then, Jaz out all red and sais "Darcy I will show you to your cabin," "thanks" and I smile at him. "But first, Sneasel" I yell, he comes out of his Pokeball, "Sneasel, we are going on a journey."

We both smile as the ship departs.

Page 3: The Adventure Begins

The boat ride to Pastoria was long and very tiring, we had one stop before we arrived to Pastoria, and it was at Sunnyshore it was only for the crew to get supplies for the rest of the journey. Sneasel spent, as much time as possible outside of his pokeball he didn’t want to go inside because he didn’t want to miss anything of this journey.
I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world either.

We decided to put our Pokémon battling skills to the test with the rest of the passengers; they wanted to face Sneasel because he was an Ice type Pokémon. There are very few ice types with comparison with the others, thought most of them knew that Sneasel was also a Dark type.

In the midst of a battle, I felt the excitement and the joy of winning battles.

When a trainer loses a battle we give money or something of value to the victor. In a battle which I fought against a beautiful Roselia, when I won the trainer gave me money and also a razor fang.

He said if I gave Sneasel the razor fang at night, he would evolve into a Weavile. I like Sneasel as he was I wasn't sure if I want him to turn into a Weavile. So I decided to always keeping the razor fang with me because if I needed it could become useful, so I put the razor fang on made it into a necklace.

I check my clock its 6:00 pm it's time to eat I begin to open the door when the boat was pushed to the left; I was slammed against the wall. Second's later people pocked their head to see what had happened.

There must be something wrong; I go up to the deck to see what was going on.

When I got on the deck I didn't know what to expect, some people where already their mostly trainers. They were asking the Captain "what was going on?" The captain looked composed even thought he was being badgered by everyone up here.

I decided that maybe it wasn't the captains fault I don't think he would be reckless enough to endanger the passenger and the crew like that.
Maybe it was a wave.

I looked over the edge and what I saw was more dangerous than a wave. It was a school of Carvanha.

Darcys' Pokemon:


Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Thu, 18/06/2015 17:27 (8 Years ago)

Title: The Adventure Continues...

Carvahna is a dark, water type Pokémon and people say it highly dangerous. I turn around and yell at the Captain "It's a school of Carvahna."

Then everyone starts panicking. This just makes it worse.

The Captain slowly comes and says "Carvahna huh" he looks over the railing and says "it going to be a hard day today." He turns around and walks away then I say, "what can I do to help." He looks at me and said "do you have a water or grass type Pokémon" "no, but will an ice type Pokémon help?"

He nods and says "it will only freeze the Carvahna and maybe the boat, it can harm our engines if we are not careful" and he walks away.

I don't know what to do, then I see a Carvahna it all has scratches on it they looked like they were in pain. Why?

So I decided to go see if there was a Nurse Joy on board to see if she could help the Carvahna. But how can I get the Carvahna for Nurse Joy to see it would be bad for her to just go down and deal with those Carvahna.

I go below and tell Jaz the situation, he tells me to just ignore it, because they would leave eventually. Doesn't he care about Pokémon other than his own?

Then I found a solution capture Carvahna, and how would I do that?

How do I catch a Pokémon, it’s a total foreign concept to me because I was never taught how to capture Pokémon.

How am I supposed to catch Pokémon, if I don't know how?

I can't ask Jaz because he doesn't know either; we are going to Pastoria to get his Pokédex because Professor Rowan is there. He is Jaz's family friend he has know Jaz when he was a kid.

Back to my capturing problem, I need to find a solution and then I decide to ask a trainer I see this guy he has white hair and light blue eyes "Excuse me?" He turns around to see me "Yes, can I help you" now that I see him up close I notice, he's pretty attractive I hope he doesn't notice me blushing I ask him "Well, are you a trainer?" "Why are you asking?" "I need to catch a Pokémon, I have pokeball but I don't know how?"

He doesn't answer and then he starts laughing like a maniac, then asks, "You're a trainer and you don't know how to catch a Pokémon" "No" I reply totally serious, he continues to laugh.

"Do you have any Pokémon?" he asks "Yes" he stops laughing and nods "then I challenge you to a Pokémon battle to determine your strength to make sure your not embarrassing trainers everywhere" "Fine" I reply in an angry tone.

Make sure I am not an embarrassment to trainers; I will make him eat his words.

I reach to my belt grab Sneasel Pokéball grab it and throw it up in the air "Come on out, Sneasel" I say. "Ready to battle Sneasel" I simply see the back of his head nod, "a Sneasel, I approve" what do I care about his approval.

"Let go, Wingull," he throws his Pokéball and a small birdlike Pokémon comes out, its body is white and on each wing it has there is a blue line, it’s cute.

Too bad I have to beat it, "Sneasel icy winds" it created a fog on a battlefield and hid Sneasel in it, perfect. "Wingull use wing attack to clear the fog," he scream at Wingull "Sneasel use shadow claw now" I yell at Sneasel. He jumps from the fog and uses shadow claw and it throws Wingull to the ground. "Now, use ice beam on its wings" Sneasel does so, now Wingull can't fly. I tell Wingull trainer "Take it back" Sneasel nods in agreement; in an annoyed tone he says, "you're a good trainer, happy?" "Yes," he puts Wingull back in its pokeball, Sneasel comes up to me I rub his head he likes it.

"Now that the battle ended can you tell me how to catch a Pokémon?" I ask the trainer, "it's quite simple you weaken the Pokémon and toss a Pokéball at it, what Pokémon are you trying to catch?" "A Carvahna" he stares at me shocked and says "A Carvahna they are not easy to train or to deal with, and I like to record the names of the trainers I battle with what's yours." "I am Darcy, and you?" he reply's "I am Alistair, pleasure to meet you" it's not mine to be insulted, so no thank you but I reply "nice to meet you Alistair" he turns around and leaves.

Now it's time to capture a Carvahna, I hope I catch it.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Thu, 25/06/2015 20:30 (8 Years ago)

Title: The Capture

Ok, Darcy calm down you now know how to capture a Pokémon you just need to weaken it and throw a Pokeball. "That doesn't sound too complicated does it?" I ask Sneasel, who is beside me he sort of laughs at me and I simply roll my eyes.

Ok I need to catch Carvahna, I want to help the Pokémon and I maybe can gain its trust by curing it well at least I hope so.

"Sneasel, do you want to catch Carvahna" it simply nods and smiles; I grab an empty Pokeball from my belt and say out loud "then, let's do this."

I go to the end of the ship the Carvahna are still there, Sneasel moves up and sits on the railing and see's the Carvahna. I look to see its face it has a frightening smile it looks so eager to battle, "Sneasel use ice beam and freeze the surface and make sure the Carvahna can't move."

When Sneasel hears that it jumps from the railing, I stand there shocked I didn't know it was going to do that. While it’s jumping it freezes the water around the Carvahna, and then freezes the Carvahna, what a smart Pokémon.

Way to go Sneasel!

I take an opportunity while they are distracted to look for the injured Carvahna and when I see it; luckily it’s all alone so when I throw the Pokeball it won't be confused. I throw the Pokeball; it doesn't finish the capture when I tell Sneasel "grab the Pokeball."

Once I say the word Pokeball, the Carvahna turn wild I guess they don't like pokeball and during this confusion Sneasel turns to grab the Pokeball and throws it to me. I manage to catch it and as I catch it, it stops wobbling and is not red anymore.

I jump in the air and yell "Capture complete" I caught my first Pokémon a Carvahna, Sneasel joins me on the deck and smiles, he seems satisfied with himself I go up to Sneasel and hug him he doesn't hug me back though.

I look again to see if the Carvahna were still bothering the ship but there were no Carvahna anymore, they left. A voice behind me said "I guess I underestimated you, you did solve the problems" I turn to see who talked and it was the captain "you seem too excited to capture a Carvahna." I look at him in the face and say "it's my first Pokémon, sir" he turns around and says, "you should be too excited, Carvahna always cause problems."

At that time I didn't know what he meant but I was going to find out soon enough.

I capture a Carvahna, I am soo happy but its hurt so I have to go find the nurse joy on board and get her to help heal my Carvahna.

I go to see the cruise map and I see that the Poke Center is two floors below the deck, once I get there I the Pokémon center is in total panic. I thought Pokémon Centers where calm and I guess I was wrong.

"Nurse Joy" she is nowhere to be seen then I hear a scream saying "catch that Shinx" I look around and see a Shinx coming at me with full speed. It is not looking where it’s going and I easily catch it, it struggles against me.

When it realizes that it can't get out of my grip it electrocutes me, I fall to the floor "great" it jumps out of my grasp but not before a voice sais "Shinx return to your Pokeball." A person gives me their hand as I go to reach it "Jinx" and laughs.

Ok, I have never been electrocuted before it hurts "Do you know where Nurse Joy is?" I ask the person, she turns around and sais "Why would I know? And why are you even talking to me?" She says in a rude tone, I replied, "If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have caught your Shinx" in a snobby tone she replies "Of course I would have." I reply "really" she looks at me and sais "yes, really" "ok, release your Shinx and let’s see you catch it."

She completely changes the subject and sais "what do you want" "I would want a thank you" she begins to laugh. Then she gets serious "For what? You didn't do anything it was all me."

"Sure go on believing that princess," I say with an annoyed tone. "I only apologize to those who beat me in battle," she's getting the wrong idea I don't want an apology but before I can say that I reply "so that’s everyone then" she gets pissed and her face turns red like a hot tomato.

And she sais "beat me in a Pokémon battle and I will apologize" I reply "you're on."

I love to battle, and I doubt I’d lose to this brat.