Forum Thread
Forum-Index → General Discussion → ResolutionsFor me, I made a resolution to go for a half hour walk every morning. So far so good, though I have been very tempted to just stay in bed... :)
Anyone else?
I've also made a resolution to think more positively. I started this thing I saw on FB, where you write down every good thing that has happened to you on slips of paper, and put those slips in a jar. Then, at the end of the year you dump them all out and see every good thing that happened to you over the year. (I'm also adding change to the same jar, and at the end of 2014 I'm going to use that change on something for my family.) It's really helped me to not think to negatively. :)
I haven't made official new years resolutions, but I want to start a training as a Kindergardener. And do more sports, that's why I am glad we have a dog to foster during week.