Forum Thread
Rushing Waves -Invite Only-
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Rushing Waves -Invite Only-Dusk finds Rose "Hey Rose! I found Shade.".
he flew around the area, sniffing the air and licking his lip's.
''i smell human's.... it's been a while since i drank human blood...'' he muttered, landing on top of the roof as he continued sniffing the air.
rose woke up and glared up at dusk.
''so..? like i care....'' she grumbled, slowly falling back asleep.
Lady Lilly hears that last part and walks over to Robin and looks mad "Can you kick Tide's butt please? She is teamed up with the Sea Vampires.".
Dusk sighs "And he said he thinks you are kind of cute... oh well. Even I have a boyfriend now while you have none.".
Tide looks at Maxwell "Can you drink every last drop of blood from my mom? If so after that i will be made ruler and can free your kind.".
''i'm fine... right now i'm tired..'' she grumbled.
maxwell considered that and sighed.
''no... i know you'll end up tricking me....... besides, i'd rather go after fish most of the time, and maybe even human's...'' he muttered, looking over his shoulder and sniffing the air.
Tide sighs "Ok well there are two humans over there..... the girl has made a dome of fire around herself and her friend. Lilly lier is warning them. Mind if i kill Lilly?" Tide makes a Trident show up out of nowhere.
maxwell smirked and snapped his finger's, creating a cage like trap form around tide.
''um.. i think i can get her... i'm rather hungry anyway..'' he chuckled, standing up and going to the back of the roof looking down.
robin looked up and and her eye's widened in fear.
Tide sighs "Ok and by the way..." Tide grabs out a button "With one click i can free the Sea Vampire king. He would not hurt me. The Sea Vampire queen might but never the king.".
Night wakes up and yawns "What happened?" Night looks up and panics a little "Sea Vampire! Gaaaaa!!!!" Night says something that sounds like clicks and then snaps his fingers and he turns in to a absol waring a necklace with a full moon that glows on it.
Lady Lilly panics "Let me go or else i will send out my Pokemon!".
robin screamed and held onto maxwell's arm as tight as she could from the fear of falling.
''good luck getting out of here loser's!'' he laughed maniacally and released both tide and lily before sky rocketing back out from where he had come from.
the same hole that maxwell made healed up and left the small crack again.
Tide goes in the tube to outside and Lady Lilly follows her.
he landed and sat her down, bounding her hand's together behind her back.
he tied a rope to the tree and tied it around her waist, that way she couldn't get away.
''rose, wake up'' he said, walking over and shaking her arm.
she grumbled something quietly and woke up, glaring at maxwell.
''what....?'' rose asked.
he grinned and pointed over at robin.
she looked over and blinked.
''you found shade's sister.....?'' she asked.
''who's shade..?'' he asked.
Burn wakes us and shakes Tony to try and wake him up.
the sun starts to set.
Magma walks around the part of the island and soon ends up tripping and falls down in to a dome.
dusk wakes up and looks over at Maxwell "Who are you?" Dusk yawns and shows her fangs while yawning.
''hey burn..'' he murmured, smiling a little bit.
shade ran to where magma was and looked down.
''magma, you alright?!'' he called down to her.
maxwell walked over to robin and knelt down, putting his hand under her chin and lifting her head up.
he grinned and chuckled.
''your a pretty little thing to be a human.. why couldn't you have been a sea vampire...? oh well...... your blood will taste good either way'' he said.
robin kicked him where it hurt's and kicked him away, backing up and leaning against the tree trembling.
''stay away you creep!'' she yelled.
rose started laughing.
he was curled up in a ball, gritting his teeth and crying.
''how dare you...!'' he whimpered, his voice raised from the sudden pain.
Magma does not hear Shade because the dome is a mile down.
Night finds them and jumps out of the water and uses bounce on Maxwell and then lands near Robin unable to move or change form for a bit "Karp...." Night looks sad.
tony sighed and sat up.
''let hem settle they're own problem's.... not like we were the one's that caused it'' he said, rolling over enough to where he could stand on his hand's and knee's.
he lightly kissed burn on the forehead and chuckled.
robin looked down at the magikarp and blinked.
''night..?'' she asked quietly.
maxwell sat up and growled, grabbing the magikarp's tail and tossing him through the air and almost to another island.
''night!!!'' robin screamed, standing up and going to the edge of the water as tear's streaked her face.
rose sighed and stood up.
Burn still looks worried "Do you want to right the wrongs you did to Robin or not? Helping her may show her you have changed." Burn gets up.
Night trys to turn in to a Chatot but fails. Night starts to sink and looks hurt.
Dusk gets up and walks over to Maxwell "I believe that was my brother you just had throw! Bring him back or else!!!" Dusk turns in to her smoke form.
''you alright?'' he asked.
tony sighed and got up, watching as he seen something fall into the water near the edge of the island.
''i'll be back...'' he mumbled, running over to the edge of the island and diving into the water.
he swam down and grabbed night's arm, swimming back up to the surface.
robin fell to her knee's and just sobbed.
maxwell looked at dusk and growled, baring his fang's at dusk in waning.
''well sorry, i didn't know it was your brother'' he said, flapping his wing's a little before he folded them.