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A pokemon trainer's story

Forum-Index Diaries A pokemon trainer's story
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 146
Posted: Tue, 19/05/2015 14:08 (9 Years ago)
- - - - - - A TRAINER'S JOURNEY - - - - - -


Hello its a story I am writing about a boy who wanted to be a pokemon master. This story will show how many difficulties he faces and how many cool people he meet and how many great adventures awaits for him. I am including myself in it but also will include you as story goes on. I am taking requests but please DO NOT POST ANYTHING on this forum as its only for story but post comments/suggestions/ requests go on my other forum . so if you want to be a part of my pokemon story Post here ..

My English is average but I will try my best.

1. All ph rules apply.
2. I will chose whom to chose.
3. No begging, spamming or vulgarities. Be respectful.


plz do not post here anything.
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 146
Posted: Tue, 19/05/2015 14:28 (9 Years ago)

Title: chapter one

We both wanted to be a pokemon master. But there was a difference that one of us just wanted to become a master and one of us wanted to live it. My name is Aragon and it was my dream to be the greatest pokemon master of all time. I lived my all my life dreaming of it. Love for pokemons was in my blood. But, on the other hand my cousin Trevor who wanted to be the greatest pokemon master as well, only used to think to get success and power which he will get after being one.

Well, I would like to tell you the differences in my families too. My family was very strict. Yeah, they loved me but they used to think that I never can do or achieve anything in my life. So final decision was always used to be theirs. When I was a kid I used to grow up in the fear that if I do anything wrong I will be get punished. So I always used to force and bend my acts, my decision and my choices according to them.

But when I began to grow up I realized that some choices should be mine and I began to make my own choices to an extent and that becomes cause of little and big family fights. My family could not understand what I want and how much a choice has worth for me. So they had begun to think me as a traitor in the family. I should have talk to them calmly but I was always angry at them. Basically I and my family both could not understood each other in a way. On the other hand Trevor’s family was exactly opposite. They used to believe on him too much and yeah Trevor earned that. Where I was lazy he wasn’t. Well his family was fully supportive. They could do anything he wanted.
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 146
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 07:59 (9 Years ago)

Title: Chapter Two

Well I guess I should tell this story as a third person. It’s better this way.

Chapter Two :

Well in these times there were two ways that How a pokemon trainer can earn his living during his initial training days, when he couldn't earn money by defeating other stronger trainers. First- Family Sponsored, in that a new pokemon trainer is sponsored by his family and Second- Government Sponsored, in that the trainer will be sponsored by government. But Government Sponsorship was only for Candidates who gets top Marks in National_Pokemon_Trainer_Eligibility_Test . Also known as NPTAT.

Same as present times, The world was divided By countries called Terrona. There were 23 Terrona in the world; they were further divided into states called Khars. Each Khar was divided into several cities called Jenpad. Aragon and his cousin Trevor were from Aryan Terrona, Mohappa Khar and Rozen Jenpad.

Aryan Terrona was known because of its strong and polite trainers. But it was also known because it had given the world more World Legendary Champions(WLCs) than any other Terrona in the world. People of Aryan Terrona were traditional, respective, down to earth and religious. They were known to respect everyone even their enemies. They love their Terrona and sometimes even forgive their enemies just after a warning. The Current world Legendary Champion Enthros was also from the Aryan Terrona. Aryan Terrona also had the biggest area of wilderness, jungle and natural pokemon reserves So it was the beloved Terrona for the trainers all around the globe. It was also the residence of almost all kinds of pokemons especially legendries so scientist from all over the worlds used to come here to research and then become a part of it. Government of here was good and generous for all tourists and scientist who comes here.

Mohappa Khar was known because of it fierce and furious pokemon trainers. People of here were highly traditional and respective. They will even let an unknown guest (who needs help) to stay and feed as long as he stays. Guests were kinds of a form of gods for them. Being highly traditional made them also a bit superstitious but it was obvious wasn’t it? It was also known for its culture and different outfits. They used to People all over the Aryan Terrona used to respect people from Mohappa Khar. Was it because of their fierce nature? Oh well…

Now last but not the least the city of hope, the home of our beloved heroes Aragon and Trevor, the city of peace and beauty – yes.. The Rozen Jenpad. The city was known for its beauty it was best in ancient and modern architecture having too many gardens, beautiful sculptures, giant pokemon gym buildings and pokemon centers with delicious food. People of Rozen Jenpad were happy, welcoming and clean. That’s where our heroes Aragon and Trevor had born and grew up. That’s where they used to dream about being a pokemon master. And that’s where they started their pokemon journey. They were connected to its beauty like a Butterfree connected to a beautiful flower. And guys yes that’s where they will start their journey to pursue their dream of a pokemon master. Are you ready to go on this journey along with them which is going to be full of adventure and pokemons with mysterious and special powers? Are you going to be a part of this journey? Are you..??

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 105
Posted: Thu, 21/05/2015 01:07 (9 Years ago)
I don't know how to delete this sorry :|

"Summers and winters,
through snowy Decembers...
Sat by the water, close to the embers.
Missing out the lives that they once had before..."
~Willow-Jasmine Thompson
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 146
Posted: Thu, 21/05/2015 05:53 (9 Years ago)

Title: Chapter Three

Chapter 3: A New Day !!

Aragon took a long deep yawn as he hears pidgeys’ chirping and sperows quarreling, smells pure and fresh morning air coming through his square shaped window and sees mild but warm sunlight coming into his room without asking for his permissions.

He takes the mattress off and slides down off his bed which was shaped like a Blastoise. He pull himself to window and takes a deep breath enjoying mild and fresh aroma of the morning air. “Hope today will be better than yesterday” –he says to himself watching sperows quarreling on the nearby roof. “Hey shoo you birds, don’t you have any other work besides fighting? Huh? Shoo shoo. I won’t let my pokemons fight once I become a pokemon trainer” He sighs.

He turns his head around and watches the Dragonite ceramic toy which has a diamond encrusted in his head, making it more beautiful. Then he reminds the day when he was visiting the Town Pokefest with his parents and A Mysterious Old Man with white beard gave this little dragonite statue to him and said “Take this son, I have been waiting to give this to someone for years. Keep it safe like your soul because it is just not any doll, it’s a precious and sacred stone of great values” while looking at the diamond. “What Great value it have sir?” Aragon asked the old man curiously. Then the old man smiled and said ”You will know when the times come, I am sure it will come.” And he then disappeared in rush of people. Aragon looks at the statue again and thinks- “what great value it can hold?.

Our fifteen year old champ Aragon heard a knock on door. It was his mom. A tall, happy looking decent lady wearing good clothes. She had big eyes which seem like they are blessing the world. “your breakfast is ready Aragon. Brush your teeth and come fast before Nikita eats all the noodles” she said and laughed. “Noodles !! Yummy !! I won’t let Nikita eat any of it” he said with a big smile and ran towards the bathroom.

Nikita was Aragon’s little sister. She used to love his big bro too much and she considered Aragon as her Ideal. She was little 9 year old girl with fair color, black hair and big beautiful eyes. She was cute and innocent look on her face. She was very playful kid playing most of time with her brother and some time with other kids of neighborhood. Everyone who sees her can’t help himself smile. She used to take help from his big brother in her study, drawings and projects. But she was very helpful when her brother needs her help. Sometimes she used to hide her brother’s mistakes also. But she knew her bro is a nice person and she used to take him as her ideal. She liked to explore nearby area in search of Dropped Items with his bro.

She knew that her brother want to be a pokemon trainer so he will leave her sooner or later. This thing made her upset and sad sometimes. But she also knew that her bother will visit her at times and it’s his dream. So she tried to be happy. :)

Soon Aragon was at the dinner table. He took the big bowl and put as much noodles as he could in that and started eating big bites quickly as he was hungry for days. “Brother slow down, father would be mad if he sees you eating like this” Nikita said. Sadly Aragon and his father did not share a good relationship. His father was never satisfied with him no matter what. He always used to compare Aragon with other boys. But he was a good father and husband when it comes to fulfill basic requirement of an average income home. He wanted Aragon to become a Doctor or Engineer with good income. Oh Well…. Reminding his father brings Aragon back to his senses and he started eating slowly.

After filling his belly he and her sis sat on the couch and started reading The Gengar Fighter Comics as always. It was a comics for kids in which The hero and his Gengar used to fight psychic pokemons who bothers innocent people.

Knock!! Knock!! “Anybody’s home? “ A voice came through the main door.


Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 146
Posted: Tue, 26/05/2015 14:59 (9 Years ago)

Title: Chapter Four

Chapter 4 : The neighborhood !!

Aragon and her sis Nikita knew who was at door due to the high pitched tone. Of course, It was Mrs. Potmaker. Her surname was Potmaker but she or her husband never made a single pot in their lives. Aragon used to think that her name should be “Potbreaker” Because she had a very common habit – begging. Yes. Whenever she ran out of something like sugar, milk, spices she would go to neighbor’s house and ask for the stuff in a polite way that no one can refuse.

“Get some sugar ready for Mrs. Potbreaker Nikita . Opps.. I meant Mrs. Potmaker” Aragon whispers to her little sister and both kids’ giggles. “Anybody’s home? Aragon? Nikita? Mrs. Smith?” – Mrs. Potmaker called. “Coming Mrs. Potmaker” Aragon replied and he ran to the door. “Oh my little pokemon master” she said to Aragon. “How are you doing son?”. “I am doing good Mrs. Potmaker, what can I do for you? Please come inside”- Aragon said happily. Yeah she called Aragon ‘Little Pokemon Master’ and it was enough to make him happy. Nikita too dragged her slowly to the gate and hides herself behind Aragon. “hehe, your little sister is sometimes shy, by the way can I get some sugar, dear? I was making tea and I run out.” –said Mrs. Potmaker. “Why not ma’am?”

Aragon took the bowl and ran to the kitchen. Nikita ran after him. Nikita used to follow her big brother since she was very little. Aragon used to go to the prohibited area (as per his mom’s order) behind The Lake to watch wild pokemons. He loved to watch wild pokemons drinking water from the lake by standing behind a bush. It was dangerous but who cares? But now a days Nikita begin to follow him so he began to be more cautious because she couldn’t run as fast as he but she could outrun almost all the kids of her age.

“Brother why are you filling Mrs. Potmaker’s bowl full? Mom already instructed to fill it half whenever she comes”- Nikita said to Aragon. “She called me Pokemon Master Nikita. So she deserve a full” – Aragon said. Nikita giggles and said - “So anyone can fool you by calling you a pokemon master brother?” “No Nikita” – Aragon said seriously but he realizes that Nikita had a point. “You taught me a great lesson today little sister, thank you.” Aragon patted her little sister’s head and emptied the bowl half again. ‘Nikita was right. People can take advantage of my weaknesses anytime by being fake sweet to me. I have to be aware and outsmart them by my intelligence. It will be an important lesson for my pokemon journey.’ He thought and climbed up and took the cookie jar placed high enough to reach Nikita. “That’s for you Nikita to teach me an important lesson. I understand now that elder people can also learn from younger ones.” And he gave the cookie jar to Nikita. Nikita was happy to get cookie jar but wondering what did she teach his brother? Oh well… She took a cookie and started eating it.

“Here you go Mrs. Potmaker”- Aragon gave the half filled bowl to Mrs. Potmaker. “Thank you Aragon” Mrs. Potbreaker… Opps I meant Mrs. Potmaker looked a bit nervous finding out the jar was half empty. “False admiring didn’t work out” she grrs in minds. She then went to her home. Aragon saw the tension on Mrs. Potmaker’s face and he thought ‘Now a days people are not happy to see what they got for free, instead they are sad that they could have get some more for free’ he sighs.

“Ok Nikita, I am going to Lake. You stay here and play with your friends” – Aragon said while looking at the road standing at the door. “No please brother. I want to go with you. I want to see the wild pokemons and play with Rhyhorn. I will be quiet I promise. Please brother.” – she started jumping. She always starts jumping when she gets excited. Aragon knew that he got to take her with him. Otherwise she will get sad and Aragon cant see her little sis sad. But he was just playing with her. “Wild Pokemons may attack you sis.” – Aragon said. “Then you, Mark and Rhyhorn can protect me and I run fast you know it brother.” She said happily while jumping. “Ok, you can go with us. Aren’t you gonna save some cookies for our friend there?” –said Aragon smiling. “haha I knew it, ! Yes !”- and Nikita started laughing. “Ok, I am going to Mark’s house. Lets see if he wanna come”

“Hey Mark. Markey.” – Aragon start calling him from the door of Mark’s home. “I am gonna go, are you coming with us?” “Yes 2 minutes Aragon, Mom, Mom please close the door I am going to play with Aragon and Nikita”- Mark said in a rush, running. “Ok son, but don’t wander too far and come early you got to do your homework too” –said Mark’s mom. “No mom tomorrow is holiday I will do it later. Bye mom.” –Said Mark. Mark’s mom came out laughing and gave a packet of snacks to Mark “Take the snacks with you” –she handed down the snack packet to Mark. All three kids smiled as each other when getting the packed. Mark’s mom was as nice as Aragon and Nikita's.

Mark was Aragon’s best friend since his childhood. Mark was a good, honest and energetic boy and he loved to play video games and eat pizza. He also loved to play outside mostly with Aragon. So most of his habits were same as Aragon’s and that thing helped the both boys to befriend each other. The bond between both two boys was very strong. He also wanted to be a simple powerful pokemon trainer. Sometimes Mark would eat at Aragon’s home and sometimes Aragon and Nikita would eat at Mark’s home. Both their moms loved to share good and yummy dishes at times.

Weather was nice today. There were a few clouds in the sky but it was mostly clear. Yesterday there was a little rain that made the atmosphere a little moist but a cool wind was blowing a little faster that made our kid’s hair and clothes moving and blowing. Aragon looked at clouds. He loved to look at clouds and make out different shapes out of them. Mostly he used to make pokemon shapes. He saw a little round but a bit longer in shape. Aragon assumed it as a wigglytuff.

Our Heroes were going to the lake and believe me they were more running then walking. Soon they crossed the main road and now they were on the open ground which was an adjutant to the Airgroth Forest. It was named Airgroth because it was said that 400 years ago when most of the forest vanished due to huge fire, Two pokemon a Dragonair and a Tangroth decided to make it alive Tangroth put a lot of seeds with his many arms and Dragonair did a Rain Dance to make it rain to water those seeds. After one year the forest came back to its shape. It was rumored that both two pokemon still lives in the forest and keeping it away from wild or human made fire. Were they?

As they reached to the forest territory Aragon and other two kids looked around to make sure that no one was watching them. After making sure they sides away a few bush and plants to make their way into the forest. They were forbidden to go into the forest as they were just kids and they had no pokemons with them. And the Airgroth forest was said to be has a lot of wild pokemons in it. It was also the beginner destination to catch pokemons for newbie trainers mostly from the Rozen City. Our little heroes were also a bit afraid to go in forest because they knew wild pokemons may attack them but it never happened. The forest had big trees and a lot of little plants vary from flower’s to berries’. After walking for a few minutes carefully all three kids reached to the edge of The Lake.

To Be Cont….

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 146
Posted: Thu, 18/06/2015 10:43 (9 Years ago)

Title: Chapter Five

Chapter 5 : The Lake !!

Our Heroes reached at the middle of the “Airgroth Forest”. There were some bushes. Aragon closed his eyes and raise his head a bit and took a deep sniff. It was a mixed aroma of wet soil, flowers like lily and lotus and the fresh air. He looked at his friends and smiled. Nikita and Mark both smiled back and said “Yay.. Finally we are at the Lake. Hope Raihorn will be here.” All three kids started to walk towards the lake slowly. Slowly … Because it’s been sometime since they used to come here daily and now they know that so many Wild Pokemons come here to drink water and playing. So they used to be cautious so they won’t surprise a wild pokemon because the pokemon can become angry by this. Finally they made their way to lake.

The Lake : No one knew that from how long the lake was here. This lake was enormous, Bright, shining as a diamond in presence of sun, Having a size of at least 30 football grounds. It contained fresh water. The depth of this lake was 150 feet’s in the center and constantly reducing if we move towards the shore. Usually no human used to come here as it was in center of the forest filled with so many wild pokemons. So it was kind of heaven for the wild pokemons. They used to come here to drink fresh water. Some pokemons like Magicarps, goldeens and wingulls made it their home. Pidgeys, sperows, mankeys, Pidoves made their nest and home near it. And at day times one can see Butterfrees, Vivillion(forest) Flying around it. This Lake was a pleasure to see at day. But it becomes very quiet in night. All one can hear at night was buzzing sound of ladyba’s and hanging Burmys. It was said that A Mysterious Legendary Pokemon comes here once a year and goes under the lake. It was also said that it comes to Balance the weather of Airgroth forest and Rozen city. There were so many claims to see it but in actually no one ever seen it or had any proof of it. So some people used to believe as a rumor.

Our Heroes quickly let them hide behind a big rock as soon as the reached at the Lake’s Shore. They then looked around to make sure that there were no big wild pokemons there like Pinsir. Once a pinsir attacked them when he thought that they are intruding his territory. Anyway… It seemed clear. All three kids revealed themselves and came out from behind of rock.There were a bunch of little rocks near the shore of the Lake surrounded by green grass. That was the favorite spot to sit and enjoy for our little heroes. They used to sit there and eat while watching shining water of lake and looking at clouds. Sometimes some butterfrees would come near flowers. Then our Heroes would follow them sometimes.

So our Heroes sat on the little rocks. Mark curiously looked around and said- “Hey Aragon. Where is he today? He doesn’t seem to be here today. May be we are late?” and he started opening the lunch box. “Mark is right bro. I can’t see him too. May be we should get up and search for him. What if he is in trouble?”Nikita looked worried and she started to jump a little and stood up. “Don’t worry Nikita, Rhyhorn is the Strongest pokemon in this Forest. I guess it can beat the Pinsir who attacked us that day.” Then Aragon reminded himself that how angry that Pinsir was and said – “Or may be our Rhyhorn is at least equal to that.” Aragon felt that last comparison more realistic then the earlier one. “But may be we should start looking for him, because we brought food for him and he wont be able to eat it if we can’t find him” – Aragon said because Nikita's words were blowing in his head that he might get in trouble. And he stand up too. Mark was wondering why suddenly Aragon changed his mind and stood up? But he also stood up and gathers all his stuffs. Ready as a humble member of the new search team.

The Rhyhorn : As we all know now that what was the reason of our heroes to come here. Yes. It was this incredible Pokemon. A Rhyhorn. 2 years ago from now, Aragon came at the edge of the forest to pick some berries from the berry bushes in The Airgroth Forest. Aragon used to collect berries and sell them to local stalls to raise his pocket money. That day when he was collecting berries something hit the nearby tree and it made it fall. Aragon tried to escape but a big branch of tree fall on Aragon’s leg. His leg was over a pit so it didn’t break his leg he was unable to move. But there was also pain in his leg and the branch was so heavy for him to lift. Aragon looked up and found that there was a Shadow of big thing with Mechanical hands. But then it suddenly flew away in sky. Then suddenly a Pokemon slowly came to Aragon. Aragon thought that this Wild Rhyhorn might attack him. But he didn’t. He pulled up the Tree with his horn and throws it away. Aragon was so surprised and his eyes was so thankful. He looked at the Rhyhorn standing there which was looking at him. Aragon slowly started to walk towards him as he know that sudden moves can make a wild pokemon flee, and petted him with his hands. Then he give Rhyhorn some berries to eat that he collected. Since that day, Rhyhorn becomes his friend. And Aragon told this good news to Mark that day.

So as our heroes stood up they saw the Rhyhorn coming towards them. It filled them with Joy and all three kids runs to him smiling and started to pet him. Rhyhorn seemed to enjoy it. Then the kids put out their lunch box and started eating and also shared their food with Rhyhorn. After filling their stomach they laid on soft grass and started gazing sky while Rhyhorn was eating the grass. Some pidgeys and sperows came and started eating their left overs. Some sat on Rhyhorn’s back. The kids laughed.

The army of clouds begins to cover sun and it got darker and darker. Suddenly the air stopped and pidgeys and sperows flew away to their nest. Rhyhorn made some noise like he is troubled. Our kids looked at him and Nikita asked – “what happened Rhyhorn? Did you eat soooo much that you can’t move?” and all three kids laughed. But they saw The Changing weather troubling the Rhyhorn. “May be we should let Rhyhorn go to forest now.” – Mark said. “Yes you are right because it seems like there will be a heavy rain. Our parents will be worried” – Aragon said.

Our heroes stood up and said bye to Rhyhorn and started going to forest so they can go to their homes before rain. A mild rain started as they reached at the end of forest and suddenly it converted into heavy rain with storm with Lightning in the sky. Kids looked at each other and said – Run. And they started running towards their home. Suddenly a little tornado came towards them and hit Aragon and throws him at distance. It was so foggy that it was hard to see things around. Mark and Nikita looked around to find Aragon and a huge Lightning strike the nearby tree. Suddenly Aragon saw a big flying pokemon with white and pink color. He couldn’t see that what it was because due to fog it was so unclear. But Aragon never seen something like it even in TV. A huge lightning bolt launched from the sky and it was going to hit Aragon this time. Aragon looked at the Big Pokemon shining eyes and the pokemon looked at the lightning bolt which was coming to strike Aragon….. and what? As the Big Pokemon looked at it, It vanished in the sky and suddenly the weather becomes normal and peaceful and a Silver Wing falls into Aragon’s hands.

“Aragon !! Aragon my son.. are you ok ?? we saw the lightning.. are you ok dear? Let me see if u got hurt!!” She was Aragon’s mom running towards him in worry. Aragon closed his palm holding that White Silver Wing and put it in his pocket.

"I am fine mom.. No one can hurt your son.." He looked at his mom then he looked at the sky and Smiled. The Big Pokemon was gone.

What could it be? Whats going on?? To know keep reading….

To Be Cont….

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 146
Posted: Sun, 23/08/2015 18:36 (9 Years ago)

Title: Chapter Six

Chapter 6 : Aragon gives up on his Dream !!


Two days later of the storm :

Aragon was lying on his Blastoise shaped bed. He wasn’t sleepy at all. He gets off the bed, opened the window, gets himself laid again and started looking through the window. It was Midnight. He saw the shining moon, which was ruling the sky as a king, it was bright and magnificent. Several stars around it were looking like royal guards and whole sky seemed its realm. The scattered clouds in the sky were also glowing by the moonlight and it seemed like they were thankful to the moon for that. A little smile occurs on Aragon’s face. With images of shining moon and stars in his eyes and the mild moonlight on his face were giving the scene an artist’s touch.

Looking at the sky, moon, stars and clouds always used to make him happy, fill him with joy, positivity and determination. He himself didn’t know why? ... Blowing air was taking clouds with it. All the clouds were going in the same direction with the same speed like a March of trained and determined soldiers.

He reminds himself the day when he was only a 5 year old little boy with cute and innocent eyes. He was lying on his bed and looking at the moon and stars through the same window at midnight. Everything was quiet but suddenly a mild storm begun and the made windows of his room closed and opened again and again. He got up and went to the windows to close them but suddenly he felt something. He turned his eyes slowly towards the moon and WHAT!! Something big was blocking his view. It looked like a magnificent big glowing bird. Aragon rubbed his eye and looked again at the moon but there was nothing and the storm was gone. He thought it must be a mirage. But then why he felt so joyous and happy and determined that night? Why that was the moment he decided suddenly that he will become the greatest pokemon master of all time? Why he can never be able to forget that night?

It’s been 12 years, but the memory of that night is clear as a glass. Aragon moved his thoughts towards his father. “He doesn’t want me to go on a pokemon journey. But why? ” - he said to himself. “May be because I am not as good as Trevor in my studies. May be because he thinks that Trevor will get a high pay job in future and I may not and it will make him feel low then My Uncle’s (Trevor’s) family?” – He thinks and it makes him a little sad. “But I know more than him about pokemons. I get along with pokemons better than Trevor does. Why doesn’t father see that? I want to do something different in my life; I want to go on an adventure, exploring new regions, meeting new people, understand their customs, their way to live. And by learning by them and everything I encounter in my life, I want to catch and train my pokemons and make my way to the Greatest World Pokemon Master.” – He thinks and sighs. “But this is not important to my father. He wants me to get a professional college degree and become a successful entrepreneur with high paid job” – He gets up and drink a glass of water.

“But why does my father thinks that? Why doesn’t he want to let me live my dreams? Why?” – Then he suddenly reminds him what her mother once told him when Aragon was crying after his father was mad at him for not eating his food which his mom made because he didn’t like ladies-finger and…. Aragon left his table without eating anything and ran sobbing to his room. He laid on his bed and started crying looking at the window. Soon – Her mom entered into his room with a plate in her hands full with bread, pickles and fruits. She silently sat on Aragon’s bed. Aragon hides his head under his pillow. He was so angry to talk with anyone at the moment. But his mom knew how to calm him down. She put her hand on his solder and said – “A Pokemon Trainer needs to eat properly to train and win. Don’t you want to be a pokemon master? Come on.. get up.. I brought you delicious food”............. “But father don’t want me to go on a journey, then how I am gonna be a pokemon master?” – Aragon said while taking out his head out of the pillow and look at his mom with sad eyes. “He just want you to become a great responsible person with a good stable job” – His mom said. Aragon knew that every pokemon trainer want to be a great one But only a few of them could achieve that greatness. Others just faded away. And that’s what his father used to think. He didn’t want Aragon to be faded away like some trainers who start their journey with full passion but soon they lost their cause.

“But I want to be a pokemon master mom, why doesn’t father understand that?”Aragon said to her mom. “He is right at his place son, when you know why he wants that, then you will know that he is not wrong and he loves you”– His mom said. “I can’t believe that, if he loves me then why he always gets mad at me?” – Aragon said with questionable eyes. “You need to listen this story for that. Do you want to listen?” – His mom asked with a smile on her face. “Yes.” – Aragon nodded. “But you need to eat your food before that. Agree?” – Her mom smiled. “Okay…” – Aragon nodded. There was nothing in the world that Aragon loved more than her mother. He started eating. His mom seemed happy after watching Aragon eating. She said – “Ok listen…”

“There was a time when your father and his family were very poor. Your grandfather came to this city 30 years ago after a heavy rain flooded their village. That time it was hard to find a job on this city. But somehow your grandfather found a job as a mil-worker. But his wages was very low and it was not enough to feed the entire family. Your father was a little boy then. But he decided to help your grandfather with his work. He started to work too even after he was just a kid. He just didn’t help your grandfather but also did house work and studied hard. And today he is a banker. He had faced many difficulties in his life and he knows the worth of hard work. That’s why he wants you to do hard work and achieve some great thing. Now what would you say?”
– Her mom asked… Aragon remained quite for some time and then said – “I understand now mom. I should apologize to father.”…….. “Don’t worry about that for now son. I will tell him that you asked for apologies. The great pokemon trainer should sleep now.” – and she smiled. “Not pokemon trainer mom.. a pokemon master” – Aragon said. “Yes, yes … My little pokemon master. Take a good sleep now, you need to go to school tomorrow” – His mom said and covered him in mattress.

After all these past memories, Aragon came back to his senses. He thought – “Father really faced so many difficulties in his life. That’s why he wants me to be a stable person in the life. I should do as he says. I should become what he wants.” His eyes get wet and he start thinking again – “I should get a professional degree and get a high pay job. At least I will be able to make my father happy. He has done so much for our family so I should do something for him too. It’s not necessary that I will become a great pokemon master. I may end up in dark with no path and choices left in middle of my journey. Okay its done then. Tomorrow in morning I will tell him that I don’t want to go on a journey and I don’t want to be a pokemon master. That will make him happy and his happiness is my happiness.”

So Aragon decided to give up on his dreams. He chosen his father’s will against his own dream. That’s how we change our decisions right? By looking around at circumstances and judging the situation?... but… is it the right way to take a decision? Do we think that what could this decision do to us in long run?.. Why do sudden emotions always take over our wise decision? Like our hero – Aragon. Who wanted to be a Pokemon master but now is ready to give up on his dreams just because he got emotional by a story her mother told when he was a kid.

He will tell his father tomorrow that he don’t want to be a pokemon trainer. He will tell his father that he will get a good job. He had decided. He was also sad on his decision but for now happiness of his father was more important for him….. He looked at his Lamp which was shaped like a Lampent. He looked at his bed which was shaped as a Blastoise. He looked at cookie jar which was shaped like a Grambull. He turned his face and had a look at everything in the room. Everything was shaped like a certain pokemon.. His love for pokemon…. He felt sad and his eyes got wet.. He has to do it. He has to give up his dream… and a drop of tear slide down to his faces… Soon he started sobbing and remembered everything he thought that what he would do when he starts his journey…. He saw his Dragonite pen stand and it makes him cry.. He shoved his face into the pillow and started crying hard… After some time when he had cried enough.. He got up and sits on his bed. The moonlight was still coming into the room. He saw something shining on his study table. He went and took it in his hands. It was the Silver Wing he got two days ago in the storm.

Suddenly…. A mild storm again picked up. Papers in his room started to fly and the windows begun to close and open wildly by the air. He stood up and went to close the window but WHAT!! … Suddenly The Shining White pokemon Again Appears in front of the moon. He remembers it YESS Aragon Remembers that pokemon. It’s the same one which appeared when Aragon was 5 year old…. It is shine like silver, its sooo magnificent!! … Aragon get so surprised !! It looks like its looking at him!! The eyes of that pokemon shine bright. Aragon blinked his eyes and the pokemon disappears!!

Aragon then sat again on the bed but He is filled with So much excitement now. He is filled with so much positive thoughts and determination now. He felt light in his heart and there is no darkness anymore. He felt so happy. He was not sad anymore. The sight of the pokemon again filled him with Light, positivity and determination. He stands up and says – “I will tell my father tomorrow that I want to be a pokemon master. I will tell him to not to worry about my future. I will tell him that I won’t end up in dark like many pokemon trainer. He wants me to become a successful man right? Pokemon Master are considered the most prestigious and count as the most rich and successful people in the world right?...... I will tell my Father to trust me. I will tell him tomorrow that I will become the Greatest Pokemon Master ever. I will become more successful person then he wants me to be. I will tell him to trust me just once.. and I wont let him down.” – He said it loud.

He hears something behind him. He turned and he saw his father standing there. He said all it out too loud. It woke his father up. Aragon stepped towards his father and he wanted to say something … But…. His father interrupted him before he could have say anything and He said –“Son, you don’t have to say anything. I know now that becoming a pokemon master holds a great importance for you. I wanted to be a pokemon doctor but I couldn’t pursue my dream because of my circumstances … But my son…I won’t stop my son to pursue his…. I won’t stop you to pursue your dream… Go son. Go on the your pokemon journey !! Make this world to never forget your name.. and write your name in Golden latter among the greatest pokemon masters of all time… You wanted me to trust on you? I do trust on you and won’t let me down. I know you won’t.”

“But father”… Aragon wanted to say something. “No son. Don’t say anything. Your dream is my dream now. And sleep well. You will need to meet lots of family members tomorrow.” – His father said. Aragon’s eyes got wet again.. He moved forward and hugged his father – “Thank you father. Thanks a lot. I will do my best and I will never let you down” – He said and started crying.

“Don’t cry Champ” – His father wiped his tears and said – “A pokemon master shouldn’t cry right? Hahaha.. Go to sleep now. May be you will need to meet lots of family member’s tomorrow? Hahaha..” – Said his father. Then his father turned and went out to the room. Aragon felt like his father wipes his own tear before he gone.

Aragon then looked at the moon through the window and thanked the pokemon for filling Aragon with light and determination. Aragon couldn’t see the pokemon clearly because of storm. But he is willing to meet him one day. Lets see…..

To Be Cont….

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Sun, 28/01/2018 15:54 (6 Years ago)