An Aron headed towards the Tunnels, and was stopped by Steel. Steel
sighed, and looked at the Aron "Come with me, We'll see if you are
accepted or not". He went inside, and arrived at the Unown Chamber
with the Aron "Masters, i have a new guest"
Wait... What time is it? Gardevoir thought. He thought it
had been the middle of the night when Servine woke him up.
Gardevoir got out of bed and helped Servine to make breakfast.
"That is good. Now, on to why you are here. Do you wish to research
these caves, like another did recently, or to visit a friend, or to
work?" Unown asked.
Servine ignored Gardevoir, and finished making breakfast, then
moved on to other things
(I just realized... Aron isn't even working for the Unown yet, but
he seems to understand them clearly.... O.o
Just pretend that Steel was translating for Aron? :P
Ok, so i think that there should be a limit on each of the
pokemon's moves, like Gardevoir could have 20 PP for Teleport, and
once it runs out, he gets one PP for every hour that he sleeps
Kinda like this: Teleport 23 - 21 = 2. Sleep 21 hours = 23 PP
In other words, he loses 21 PP by using teleport, and gets the PP
back by sleeping for 21 hours)
"Understood. You will be registered as soon as possible. In the
mean time, please find an unoccupied den in which to sleep," Unown
told Aron through Steel.
I predict that she is going to be breaking up with him in
five... four... three... two... Zygarde thought. Why are you so upset? Gardevoir asked.
(Yes, let's pretend he was translating. XD
I don't really like the idea of a PP limit, only because it would
be hard to keep track of. ^^' We'd also have to have some sort of
"time of day" log that shows what time it is in the RP, and that
would require keeping track of how long a conversation between the
characters would take, how long each character is traveling (which
would most likely be unrealistic anyway, given that traveling is
rarely the only thing going on and a Pokémon can get from one
island to another in the time it takes for two more characters to
have a short conversation), etc.
This post was edited because I accidentally used quotation marks
instead of italics for Gardevoir.)