Maver growled again "That is hardly important. You should focus on
escaping, and helping the dragon clan out. Don't worry about me.
I'll be fine" He laid back, and went to sleep
Metagross chuckled and walked near Maver, "Interesting, the leader
of the dragons, in my command. How pathetic," he looked over to
Lugia and ordered, "ready the troops. It's time to put an end ot
the onece mighty dragons."
Lugia nodded and took Maver to field outside, where the soldiers
were readying themselves.
The troops snarled at Maver, some of them ignored him while the
other greeted back. On particular troop, a mew, flew near Maver and
chuckled, "Your Jirachi's son!"
Mew giggled and answered, "Seems like the machine worked," she
looked over at Lugia, "you sure about this grandpa?"
Metagross got outside and faced his troops, "ALL RIGHT WARRIORS!
Let us crush the dragons...Once and for all."
Metagross, being the calm leader he is, chuckled and replied,
"Sure. NOW MARCH TO THE CLAN!" the troops began to move while those
who could fly took flight.
Metagross chuckled and ordered Jirachi to get Maver. He then
continued on ahead. Jirachi reached Maver and sighed, "Come're our first line of attack!"