Forum Thread
Legend of Zelda RP open and acceptng
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Legend of Zelda RP open and acceptngRules: No swearing using things that are an example of being annoyed are allowed but should be a Zelda reference like 'for the love of nayru' ,Link and other nintendo characters can be in but should be shown as a character in your post as well as yours not by himself ,No killing other characters unless given pemission by the characters owner (chaacters as in oc's)
Story: loosely follow twilight princess really just have zant, the twilight, animal forms and midna as a side character
Characer/oc sing up: Name:
Animal form:
Friends and enemys:
That's all so let the rp begin
Name: Artimis
Apperance:long blonde hair,fair skin, green eyes, tall, thin but strong wears a teal tunic with black leggings a silver belt matching boots, sword sheath and quiver
Animal form:Pitch black wolf with a grey symbol of faeore on her forehead
Personality:Brave, loyal, short tempered, kind once you get to know her, willing to fight but not wanting to
Family: Mother: Faeore (im not the first or only one to do this so don't hate) Father:a sheikah man Siblings:None
Friends and enemys:Friends: link, impa, midna (and others once ocs are added) enemys: zant, gannon, Zelda, girihim(I told you it was loosly followed)
Powers: sheikah magic, faeores wind, can master any weapon

does my character have to an OC or can I use a character from the series?)
never again will you be able to return... ♪

Appearance: A cute looking little girl with black, messy hair covering her eyes. She wears a black tunic. Ouno also has a sword with her scabbard. Has green eyes that no one can see, due to her hiding her eyes for no reason whatsoever. Wears white pants and brown boots.
Animal form: A white wolf with glowing malicious green eyes and no pupils. She also has a black diamond on her stomach, which is technically her weak point. And she also has a scar on one of her eyes.
Personality: She's quiet and shy, and if you try to talk to her, she will just at least try to talk to you, but always blushes nervously and turns around. But if you keep on pestering her, she will take out her sword and try to slice you. The only right way to talk to her is to grab her and force her. Ouno's pretty happy to all who knows her well. She is also independent and determined. Also, she's kind of ambitious.
Family: She has Midna as her mother, which she doesn't like, and Link as her father.
Friends and enemies:
Powers: She can make Twilight magic (which can be anything from frightening people with it and to make swords out of it, and also teleporting.)
Name: Bracken
Appearance: A tall, lean teenager with slicked back golden-brown hair. His eye color ranges from pale green to grey. He wears a dark orange tunic with black boots and brown pants. He carries around a bow.
Animal form: A large bald eagle with shimmering gold eyes.
Personality: Sarcastic and chatty, he's not fun to be around if you can't take a joke. But he doesn't like seeing people sad or hurt, which is the reason he doesn't like having a bow.
Family: He doesn't seem to have any memories of them.
Friends and enemys: Friends: Midna, Zelda, Link, Impa.
Enemies: Ganondorf and Zant.
Powers: He can heal people as well as himself.
I'll go first person since I have too many characters so I'll just refer to him as 'I' :'D
Appearance: a girl with brown hair and one blue and green eye with a small ear hoop on left ear
Animal form: A wolf with brown fur and a white under belly wih a connecting muzzle and under tail also white tail tip. Blue and green eyes (left blue right green) small ear hoops on left ear. He weak spot - her ears
Personality: In rp
Family: none
Friends and enemys: None but owes zant so zant is her friend at times
Powers: Teleporting and Making twilight also healing once every day (can heal once a day not gonna be op)
(Yay! Zelda!!)
Hawk walked around in the twilight and walked over to zant and growled "you needed me?"
Ouno teleported in to the Twilight, looking curiously around.
She listened to zant and walked off and said "so I take down the hero?" She shook her head and walked off to find the so called 'hero' she saw a kid walk in the twilight and growled "why is a human here?!?"
1st person
I was headed to ordon village to give link, my mothers chosen hero a message from my mother when I ran into Zelda. What was she doing outside ordon!?!? Mother had said I wouldn't have to deal with her so far from castle town! I sighed and walked up to Zelda as she turned around to face me.
(someone please take over as Zelda)

Name: Alicia
Appearance: A girl with blonde hair with streaks of brown, green eyes, and wears a blue dress that may change to a black jeans and blue shirt.
Animal form: A sly dark brown fox with green eyes and a scar on her left eye.
Personality: Is a shy, brave, smart, and slightly speedy person.
Family: none that she knows of.
Friends and enemys: she is all neutral with friends and foes. If she is harmed she will attack.
Powers: she can fit in tight places, better with bow than sword.
( dang, I can't spell today *slaps self* messed up on spelling sword 10 times.)