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Nuva's Nifty Notes

Forum-Index Diaries Nuva's Nifty Notes
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,838
Posted: Wed, 15/04/2015 14:43 (9 Years ago)
I need to have an organized journal/notepad, and the other one is such a mess that it's beyond repair now. So I'm making a new one and will have the old one deleted shortly. At that time, this message will be edited out.

About Navuso the person behind the screen

Hello, my name is Navuso. I am a bit different from most of the people whom you meet online because what you see is what you get with me. I don't know how to filter myself that well, and sometimes my fingers type faster than my brain can tell them "DON'T!". I try to re-read what I type and make it look nicer, but sometimes that completely fails, or I don't have the time to do so.

Chances are: If I don't know you, I did not mean to insult you. Some of the stuff I say comes across as horrible and mean, but most of the time that is not my intention. So before taking offense, please stop and think about what the tone of voice saying it could be. (Since text doesn't convey tones.

For example, I usually say "You dork." or "Freak" or "Weirdo" in an endearing way. If I use those three terms with you, that usually means I like you or I relate to you. But I've used weirdo before and the person got offended and more so when I explained that I felt close to them which is why I used the term.

Now some information about me:

About Navuso the Sona

Name: Navuso Kit Tailnet
Nicknames: Navu
Gender: Male
Experiment: Number 175 "Successful, but too small"
Fused: Natu, Skitty, Vanillite
Species: Relates to Natu most. || Frost Griffin
Able to Evolve: Unable to
Abilities: Early Bird, Ice Body, and Super Luck
Artwork: Link

Name: Nuva Tail Kitnet
Nicknames: N/A
Gender: Female
About: Female shiny form of Navuso.
Species: Relates to Natu most. || Frost Griffin
Able to Evolve: Unknown
Abilities: Early Bird, Ice Body, and Super Luck
Artwork: Link

Other information

Please use masculine pronouns when referring to me on here. As Navuso is a male, which is the only reason I care. (I don't usually care about what pronoun is used to refer to me, but as my username has been male characters since it was made, I prefer to be referred to as a male on here)

I have multiple sonas depending on the fandom and how I feel.
Pylethé - Primary Fursona - Female
Starvix - Accidental Secondary Fursona - Male
Blue Hoof - Unicorn MLP sona - Female
Kyo - Dragon sona - Female

I have a high tolerance for a lot of things, but other things I have no tolerance for.
I hate liars, I despise art theft, and if you're begging for things of mine which are clearly valuable, then I will most likely report you or just ignore you.
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,838
Posted: Wed, 15/04/2015 14:55 (9 Years ago)

Title: Stylish Styles and Edits:

Minimal PH Interactions Pages
I put together a really simplified interactions list page for when you just want to interact without everything making the page bigger :3
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Link to the Stylish Page

Click on the images for a bigger view:

Add the below to it to hide the text in the green box and make the "Next" link larger. These make it MUCH easier to interact on mobile devices.

div#greenfield a {
display: block !Important ;
font-size: 50pt !Important;

div#greenfield {
color: transparent !important;}
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,838
Posted: Wed, 15/04/2015 15:09 (9 Years ago)

Title: The Skyte/Adoptable Log

Quote from Rarity Key Very Common
Very Rare
Illegal / Retired / Limited / Unobtainable

My Adopted Skytes

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Quote from Mountain Egg Skyte
Mountain Stripe Skyte

This yellow egg with blue stripes was found in the mountains.
It took quite a while to hatch, and when it did, this scrappy serpent came along. He doesn't seem overly friendly, always getting into fights and needing first aid.

QuoteNot Appraised
Gender: Male
Species: Skyte (Common?)
Age: Child - Can't grow further

Quote from Triheaded Crystal Skyte
Tri Crystal Cyclopes

A mysterious striped egg was found among some crystals on the beach.
The skyte emerged from the egg, revealing three cyclops heads and a desire to remain close to the crystals from the egg. Hm...
Now fully grown, it's no wonder it liked keeping the crystals close. Now the shards are hardened wings!

Gender: Male
Species: Skyte (Rare)
Age: Adult

Egg designed and drawn by Navuso
Child lines done by Zona's friend Beth - Colors by Zona

Quote from Starry Skyte
Starry Sky Skyte

This Skyte was found staring off of the end of a cliff one night. He's able to speak and warn of upcoming dangers.

QuoteEyes:: -Awaiting Clarification-
Ears:: Finned
Horns:: None
Body:: Basic blue body
Wings:: None
Legs:: Front only ( No back legs)
Feet:: 3 clawed
Tail:: Spiked
Markings:: Stars
Fangs/Breaths/Abilities:: Venomous Fangs
Gender: Male
Species: Skyte (Uncommon)
Age: Adult?

Quote from Spiked Hydra Skyte
Spiked Hydra

This black hydra was found in the middle of the night while the heads were bickering over something. One of the heads spit an acidic venom.

QuoteEyes:: Colorless Snake
Ears:: Not visible
Horns:: Small
Body:: Basic black body Dark blue spines
Spines along back Hydra
Wings:: None
Legs:: None
Feet:: N/A
Tail:: Same as body
Markings:: Multicolored heads
Fangs/Breaths/Abilities:: Multi-elemental Breaths
Gender: Male
Species: Skyte (Uncommon)
Age: Adult

Quote from Rooted Skyte
Blue Tree Root Skyte


QuoteEyes:: Blue
Ears:: Not visible
Horns:: One
Body:: Blue body || Red spines
Wings:: None
Legs:: ???
Feet:: ???
Tail:: Basic
Markings:: None
Fangs/Breaths/Abilities:: ???

Rarities to be added later.
Species: Skyte (Uncommon)
Age: Adult
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,838
Posted: Wed, 15/04/2015 15:58 (9 Years ago)

Title: Important posts from previous log

Friday the Thirteenth - Originally Posted: Fri, 13/June/2014 13:56

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So, today is Friday the Thirteenth, which is my lucky day. I figured I might as well make another post on events.

Wanted a male, but she's a female. I love her none the less, though.

The Great Sheep Hunt is ongoing. We're supposed to collect Mareep eggs from the tall grass and level them up to level 100. I'm the first person to have finished this, woo!

Brownie points if you realized that their names are one, two, and three :p

Interesting facts:

So, it took me just over 18 hours and I made 51,770 interactions to get the return clicks for these to hatch. My interactions to return was never higher than 100, and I kept the online clicklist at under 500 to click at any given time. (Under 100 most of the time)

I got around a tenth of the interactions returned. (5,870)

I earned over 20 Rare Candies through the Golden Slots during the course of this run.

I got a few minutes of sleep during the course of the events, basically staying up for 27 hours or more [excluding about 30 minutes for the naps combined]

All three of my Ampharos have even ids.

I thought that Riako had rigged the tall grass to give you a Mareep egg every time for this event, as I got my three eggs without hitting a single Pokémon. (then found out I was just lucky, as other users complained about not finding an egg after a while of searching the tall grass...)

There was a bit of down time during the first day of this event, as the server was changed to a better one (YAY!) So, in that thirty minutes of down time, I took about ten of those minutes to make these:

If the site hadn't come up a few minutes earlier than the estimation, I would have shaded these as well. But that didn't happen, so I went back to interacting instead.

For the short time taken on these images, I'm proud of them. But, being done in less than a fifth of my quickest quality works, there are flaws in these images. (I usually take hours on my art from sketch to lined to colored...)

Badge Collection - Originally Posted: Fri, 04/July/2014 00:22 13:56

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Badge Collection:

Badges I was the first user to claim:

Non-Gym Badges:

Above: Radiant Rayquaza Hunt (ended) || Nocturnal Sprites (Closed for a bit)
Below: Help towards getting those legends.

Joe's Collectables - Originally Posted: 17/November/2014 03:32

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Special Cards:

Autumn is special edition. Ditto is worth 200K pd, from the auction Professor_Joe had in his thread. Steal them and you will regret it.
Nessy card obtained from Nessy herself ~<3

Other cards:

Furst Coal Rant/Informational Post - Originally Posted: Tue, 17/February/2015 14:35

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Welp, I'm currently not at home, so I don't have a whole lot of computer time. (I'd prefer to spend the time with my est friend anyways :p) so I figured I'd do a post about today's events.

I set out to hatch a shiny Winter Numel the day it was released I interacted hard for the event, and got the first winter Numel egg on-site. I loved how it looks, then I went and looked up the shiny sprite. I saw it was black, so it got added to my list of shinies to get. (Rayquaza, Greninja, and Furfrou being the other three on the list, two of which I already got ;) )

So I put one of the events in the Daycare with a Numel. Switched the Numel for a W. Numel with my OT. Was working to trade for one to make a perfect breeding pair. Got a male, got to breeding with the perfect pair.

The hunt was AMAZING. There was one day without a single W. Numel egg, and that's it. (And that was making up for the day I had 5+ eggs in the daycare)

I also started setting aside money for ONE event pass from all of my art commissions. When my hunt was 2 days old, I got a pm from a user who basically told me "Stop doing this hunt, as I want to get the first. This means you should back off."

Oh, man. I didn't care about having the first S. Winter Numel until that very moment. You do NOT tell someone to STOP hunting something just because you want the first. (Now with Hoodie and the Santabird or Latula and the Slowyore, those were different, as both users had been hunting for a looooooooooong time to try and get the shinies. And even then, it wasn't them saying "Stop the hunt!". It was other users saying "Don't take up this hunt because they deserve it.

Now, back on-topic:
The user who contacted me only had a chain of 2 at the time and their hunt had started two days after me. If they had worked at it to get the chain started before me (which is possible) or even within 24 hours, that would have been a different story. If they had contacted me in a polite manner, that would be a different story. But it wasn't.

This put my mindset to "I WILL work to get the first shiny. Or at least help others get the first shiny, just because I don't want that user to get it, now."

Long story short:
I worked hard. I got to a chain of 32 before the event was added to the shop. When it was added to the shop, I took my set aside money and spent it to get nuggets to get the event points. I bought the event pass and got right to work. I spent my saved up nuggets on another month of Premium, expecting the hunt to be bad (like my last few have been). A friend gifted me enough for a Flute to help me take advantage of the x2 day.

So I got to work hatching the eggs FROM MY PHONE where interactions are slooooooow, half the pages don't load, and I kept getting notifications that I had to check in on. So even with everything, I was planning on taking a while.

Bad weather knocked out the power. My phone was nearly dead, so the short time the power returned, I had it charging. I posted a feed to explain that the weather sucked and my phone was going to die soon, when I got a notification. Imagine my surprise when I got the shiny while I was complaining about the ice outside.

I then made a feed, put my phone down (as it was at 13% at this point) and went to bed. When I woke up this morning, I expected the flood of feeds about it from my friends. I expected the usual congrats comments. And I expected the user who wanted the first one to be mad.

What I did not expect was an onslaught of other users, whom I've never talked to, pming me practically trying to find loopholes to get the first W. Numel shiny.

"Evolve it to the Camrupt! Then I'll be able to have the first S. Winter Numel!"
"Release it!"
"Trade it to me!"

Erm, not just no, but He-double hockey sticks, bug off no.
Clearly this harassment has taken some of the joy out of getting the first one (named Furst Coal after Hoodlor's adorable typo, his colors, and what I told a friend I'd name him before I got a shiny)

So while I adore the cutie to DEATH, I do not appreciate the reaction from other users who demand things of me. I'm normally pretty laid back, fun to be around, and a reasonable person, until you order me to do something unreasonable.

And since Furst Coal is my first HUNTED shiny event that I actually got to completion over, he's all the more special to me.

This post is a combination of a rant, a journal entry, and bragging :p I know this, but it doesn't stop me from posting. Hope everyone else is having a better time with the weather than I am.

Coin Collection - Posted: Mon, 11/May/2015 18:10:42

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Free Collection:


thread || Website || #PokeCoins (for updates)
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,838
Posted: Fri, 15/05/2015 21:13 (9 Years ago)

Title: Characters:

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,838
Posted: Fri, 04/09/2015 14:17 (9 Years ago)

Title: Need to Evolve:

I've got a few mega-ables but no mega stones, so for ease of tracking, here are the ones that I need to evolve sometime.

And other pokemon I want to evolve:
[to be announced]

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,838
Posted: Thu, 24/09/2015 21:15 (9 Years ago)
Pranksters (Jesterig)



Spoiler to be added.

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,838
Posted: Mon, 02/04/2018 00:14 (6 Years ago)


Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,838
Posted: Thu, 18/07/2024 01:13 (2 Months ago)
Mega Progress
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Giga Progress:
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