The back side of the letter says: Hello, dear friends.
How's life going at Eternity? I like it here... the weather's nice,
I found new friends... the basic stuff. I also found a job there, I
work as a chauffeur in a limo. It's hard to drive in curves with
those things... I drove through three traffic signals. But it's
still awesome. I can keep the limo and it's great.
Hey, Marcus. Keep on going with Valkyries. And please tell Tracy,
that he can f*ck himself. Anyway... a respond would be nice and
keep on the life!
A sketch of Victini is in the letter.
Under it, it says:
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
''is there something behind the picture?'' asked marcus, and turned
it. He read the back of the letter, carefully. ''did something
happen with tracy and raika?'' he asked. ''man, i missed so damn
much...'' he mumbled
Valkyries sighed and shape shifted back and said "Raika and Tracy
had a little problem..." she said, Lucifer added "Yeah, it wasn't
pretty, he tried to kill Valk-" Valkyries punched Lucifer before he
could say anything else "Shut up." she looked at her brother.
Lucifer yelped and replied "Okay."
Bell looks at the letter. "They look pretty happy."
The letter has a second page:
I found a boyfriend too. His name is not important...
(I don't know a name yet.)
I will tell in the next letter. All pairs there are couples and
we are really nice to each other. Hey, I have some great news too!
I may can visit you in a few weeks. I have someone to pick up and
drive him here. Over the little water, called Pacific Ocean with a
ship, then driving there to you. He payed much, and specifically
ordered me. I don't know why though...
Anyway, see you soon enough, guys!
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
''well, looks like Tracy's crazy...'' said Marcus, while finishing
the letter. ''oh, looks like she's coming in a few weeks'' he said,
and started picking the berries on the floor. ''You two maxed your
abilities, I should start training later; also I need to call Ryan
so he comes back'' he said. ''wait...'' said marcus, before
stopping suddenly. ''I know i'm slow, but, who are you?'' he asked,
looking at Bell.
"Cool." Valkyries said, "Wanna continue Valk?" Lucifer asked his
sister, "Yeah, let's find something hard to kill though." she
replied, she then shape shifted back into her Houndoom form and
mega evolved and ran off deeper into the forest, Lucifer ran after
his sister.
Valkyries and Lucifer spotted a Stantler, Ugh.. Valkyries
thought, her and Lucifer attacked the Stantler and brought it down
easily, they went on and spotted a Pidgeot, Valkyries ran and
pinned it down by the wing and locked her jaws around it's neck and
crunched until she heard a snap and then flung the Pidgeot to
Lucifer, Lucifer caught it and shook it around like a rag doll and
slammed it into the ground. Valkyries and Lucifer decided to head
back, since there was nothing too exciting to kill. Valkyries saw a
hole in the ground and started to dig, Lucifer curled his tail
around his paws and laid down, while lapping the blood off his
jowls, Valkyries looked at Bell and sighed she laid down too and
lapped the blood off her jowls. Lucifer looked at Valkyries and
curled up next to her, Valkyries reverted back to her Houndoom form
and fell asleep, Lucifer did as well.
Marcus went to his room, grabbed his phone and sent a text to Ryan.
''how long do you plan to stay there?? come back you idiot...'' he
texted, and put the phone back. He put the berries on the table and
went to the library. ''i need tips to train more efficiently'' he
thought, as he searched through the shelves.
Valkyries opened her eye and looked at Bell "I can smell you're
fear, don't worry. I won't hurt you." she said and closed her eye
and went back to sleep.
Valkyries rolled her eye "Come on, am I really that scary? I can be
nice, you just need to give me a chance, I'm going back to the
school." she picked up the letter with her maw and flicked her tail
"See you." she nudged Lucifer with a paw "Get up." she snarled and
ran off, Lucifer sighed and got up to his paws and waved goodbye
with his tail and followed Valkyries back to school.
(I'm back guys! didja miss me? i'm guessing not. Jet has a lil'
problem nao.)
Jet woke up... somewhere. She was in what looked like a pink
sphere. So Jet got up and looked around. a reflective surface alike
a mirror was in the corner. She looked through it. She saw
"herself" in a different way. (like this:
Jet shrieked and moved back. She was a Palkia! The god-ess of
Space. Arceus help me.... she thought. A hole opened in the
space and she flew out, finding her a ways away from earth. Jet
flew all the way to the Earth, taking her a hour. Then she thought
of calling herself Bianca now because... shes not a Latias anymore.
Bianca landed on the roof on the apartment, and headed to her room
for a nap. (*shakes hands* thats alot of work ;~;)
I have left behind my name. My name is now Jaspers.
(Glaceonheart, MsAbsol, BlueEyesWhiteKitten, Purrasol,