He got up but still got up "weakling bearly hurt" he said getti bh
up "didn't you hear me?tell you how to defeat your downfall? Rip
his arm off? I am pretty sure im not the moron here but do you got
a price tag...because your about to get owned When Tracy gets to
fight you!"
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
"DANM IT!" he yelled biting into his leg and then looking him
straight in the eye "do it, you will stop your downfall moron" he r
hen looked at Raika, the dailga gijinka who attacked him "wait a
minute, i know you, but i can't remember where from" he said
crawling to her "Name,tell me your name"
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
She is in her Dialga form and looks worse than the others.
Undernourished to the skeleton, her skin is almost white and she
looks sad. Raika is chained on the wall with another girl. She
doesn't speak.
"Forget it. The Dialga girl can't speak, like the Palkia girl."
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
"At l w ast i wont be the one hurt when Tracy finds out what you
did to her, because once he is angry he can kill with his bear
hands its why you rip his arm off well im gonna go tell him and im
gonna ask you again,you got that price tag? BECAUSE YOUR ABOUT TO
GET OWNED!!!" hw said walking down the stairs laughing
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
_At least i lnow how to steal a prision key of your belt dumb ass)
he thought unlocking the door for every one and helping tracy uphe
went back into his body and Tracy walked up the stairs "h-hello?
Anyb-body here?" he said shaking in fear and looked up at the
garitina gijinka "you are the boss? Jeez you had me worried their
for a second" he said not smiling because it was the truth amd he
went to do more important things he pulled a bottle of watter and a
sandwich out and walked to Raika past the angry gijinka "Raika
itits me,Tracy,don't you remember me?" He asked handing the things
to her " i promise to fix this you gotta tell me what i gotta do"
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
"Shut up" he said putting the bottle and sandwich in each hand
"this thing you twist the top off and you put it in you mouth and
your not thirsty and that thing you just put it in your moth and
push your teeth forcfully up and down and your not hungry and it
really looks like your hungry and..." he leaned in and whispered "i
hope he is a joke or i am gonna have no trouble beating him because
my right arm is the strongest i was training with the guys i was
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd