"Who did this?" asked Tracy "Josei" said Niko " she gas a friend
now" he said afterwards "no... I went back and killed
her,imposible" he said getting angry" "her friend healed her" Niko
replied with a sigh "Raika,can you take Niko to my dorm and can
either you or Flare watch him?" he asked
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
(Don't know... ummm... Future Raika revived the body of Tracy's
little brother... Present Raika unleashed her Dialgability, without
noticing it... Future Marcus arrived and is with Present Raika in
the underworld... I don't know more.)
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
(chris and melody are dating, soon to be married since chris bought
a ring... and a new student joined the school~ that's on my side
since no one ever really give's me a recap...))
chris laid on his back and sighed, chuckling as melody placed a
flower behind his ear.
magnolia went into a computer lab and was stunned by all the
computer's that were in the room.
''old computer's.. new computer's... computer's of all kind's......
i'm in heaven!'' she shrieked happily, running around and checking
out all the computer tower's and screen's.