"this...this is where mighty lived...he died...remember"he said as
somebody walked out "who died?" asked mighty standed there patting
him on the back "shhh its ok who died?" he asked "y-you died in the
future" he siad as mightyena backed up "n-no i=thats not
true...wait, you are older!" he said in fear "you brought him
through time...and i know what happened WHAT HAPPENED!!!" he yelled
in Raikas face
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
everything came back to tracy how it all happened, a flashback
(mightyena leaned to raika "hes dead meat" "You are dead meat." She
cuts the Mightyena with the katana. "It's cold enough..." It
freezes the wound, so that it burns even more."no! my friend!"
tracy pushed everyone back and kept the pan out swinging while
looking at the wound "hmm.) "why he did not do anything to you!" he
said crying so you mean you kill me for being friendly then why?"
asked mightyena behind a tree "i remember! you hyper voiced me! he
helped me he even aid im trying to be nice!" cried tracy
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
DID YOU DO THAT!" he said sobbing "your 18 what is wrong with your
head? are you hurt from the travel?" he said slapping her one more
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
Tracy screamed as he fell to the ground bleeding as he saw his
finger stubs "you baste*d! i shoulda hurt you the time i layed eyes
on you!" he said jumping up and biting deep into her neck and bit
her and held on "YOU CRAZY WOMAN!!!" he said scooping the fingers
in his mouth and picked up tracy as he tried to go fast trying nto
to get killed by Raika
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd