a luxray gijinka walked into the cafeteria and went over and
grabbed a tray, getting some lunch and sitting at an empty
chris and melody both glanced over at the luxray gijinka and
whispered something to each other before chris got up.
he walked over and sat down across from her.
''um.. hi, i'm guessing your new to this school...? me and my
friend are still kinda new here too, and we love it here.... so i'm
sure you'll like it here too'' he said, smiling kindly.
magnolia looked up at him then looked down at the tray, keeping
quiet while she ate.
he blinked and pinned his ear's back.
''my name's chris... chris lightning..... what's your name..?'' he
she cleared her throat and kept her gaze to the tray.
''m-magnolia ray...'' she murmured.
''nice to meet you magnolia'' chris said, smiling brightly.
she gave a small nod and went back to eating.
he got up and headed back over to melody.
he came back "when do we go?" he said losing his patience but knew
it would be worth it in the future as he had a plan to do something
and to change history but is wasn't evil however
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
"their i am" he saidpointing at the past self writing something on
a peice of paper in a shop "i work here, i take care of fennekin i
hope flare isn't weirded out by this but my boss is a delphox
gijinka" he said waiting for somebody to walk in "he saw the
skuntank gijinka "get her" he pointed as he snuck up behind her and
thrrw her to the ground "w...wait what? your bigger?" she said
scared "because im from the future" he said knocking her out by
stomping on her forhead "c'mon lets go inside" he said walking into
the store
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
"thats the whole point im here! when i tell him the happs i'm gonna
fade away i hate it here and when i fade away,tell bolt he was a
good friend and valkaries can go die in a hole"
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd