''uh.... what... did she really just leave me here..?'' he
''yeah, look's like it'' future chris said, arm's crossed as he sat
future melody came out with the knife and started cutting up the
Valkyries woke up and looked around "Dang it.." she shook Lucifer
up "What?" he said "Uh-oh.." he said looking around him "Yeah...."
Valkyries said "We're going to be dead if we don't get out of
here." "Won't we be dead if we do both?" Lucifer said "Yeah, but at
least we have a chance of escaping.." Valkyries replied and melted
into volcanic lava, Lucifer did the same and they slipped out of
the cage "Okay let's go." Valkyries said and changed back, Lucifer
did the same and looked around. "We need to be careful." he said
"Don't have to tell me twice." Valkyries replied and scanned her
Future Valkyries shapeshifted into Houndoom form and wagged her
tail, future Lucifer sighed and said "Valkyries I'm starting to
wonder how you're not dead yet, you eat so fast I can't even keep
track of what you've been eating.."
Valkyries said "Now what?" "I don't know.. you're asking me?"
Lucifer said and gave himself a facepalm. "We need to get out of
here, seriously." he said.
"I know that." Valkyries said in annoyance. "Someone's coming.. it
smells like Raika." Lucifer said "It might be a trap. Just stay put
for now." Valkyries replied.
(marcus was searching Raika in the present in the real world, so
she could take him as well to the underworld xD anyways i think
i'll roleplay the future for now)
''she hasn't changed a bit'' said marcus, nodding. ''want something
to drink? this party is for erm both of you i guess'' he said,
looking at a small fridge near the sofa. ''someone else wants
something as well?'' he asked
Future Raika opens a bottle cola and pours in some for everyone.
"Chris, I always dragged you in Time Travel. And I loved it,
because you showed me, that a partner in science is important for
testing and companionship."
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
{OOC; Okay back sorry, I had to do some stuff. >///<}
"Trying to escape this nightmare." Valkyries said. "I can see why
you left Valk." Lucifer said sighing. "And you didn't see it? Thats
embarrassing.." Valkyries said giving herself a facepalm.
"I'll have a drink. Just get me something, I don't care what it
is." future Valkyries said "Me too." future Lucifer said catching
another fork on fire and flinging it at future Valkyries, she
caught it and flung it back nearly hitting Lucifer in the head, it
hit the wall instead. "We're you TRYING to hit my head!?" he yelped
"Maybe." she said extinguishing the flames on the fork "Anyone need
a melted fork?" Valkyries said taking it out of the wall.
marcus nodded as valkyries and Lucifer fought each other, and took
another sip of his soda. ''should i go help my old self fight
Hades?'' he asked to Raika. ''i know, don't look at my past self's
eyes'' he said, putting his drink on his table.
future chris sighed and rubbed his forehead.
''please don't set my house on fire'' he said.
future melody put slices of of cake onto plate's and one into a
pokemon food dish.
''sorry valkyries... don't need you trying to eat a paper plate''
she mumbled.
she picked a plate up and grinned, looking up at future chris.
''the birthday boy get's the first piece of cake!'' she said,
stuffing the slice of cake into future chris's face.
present chris fell over and started laughing.
future chris took the plate off his face and wiped most of the cake
off as he chuckled.
future melody laughed and ran into another room.
''get back here!'' future chris laughed, running after her.
present chris sighed and sat up, rubbing his head as he sighed.
''this has been fun, still don't like time traveling that much...''
he muttered.
"Okay then..?" future Valkyries said, future Lucifer just laughed.
future Valkyries sighed and grabbed a coke can and shaked it up and
sprayed future Lucifer with it, then crushed the can and threw it
at his face. "Not funny." he said staring at his sister. "It is
when it's on you." she said sneering.