Forum Thread
Pokemon Gijinka high school 2
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon Gijinka high school 2
Ryan used aquajet to get the pikachu off his back, and used muddy water to make him faint. ''stay off of this, kid'' he said, landing on the floor near valkyries. ''So, you know his location?'' he said, as his eyes became blacker and his dark aura became bigger
Missy started sketching another thing.

If it would make you happy,
I'll give my most precious thing to you.
Even if it turns out we can't meet for a second time,
A smile will always bloom in my heart.
-Vana n' Ice, The Last Supper.
Name: Ateer Kamina
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Pokémon/Apperance: Shiny Braviary Gijinka His wings are blue on top and brown on the bottom, like a shiny Braviary's

rank: Slightly popular, but not very
roommate: Umm, I don't know
Personality: Usually calm and levelheaded but loyal to his friends and very protective of them
Hobbies: Swimming, flying, reading
BF/GF: Cole
new or continue the other RP: New
Name: Cole Aragor
Gender: Male
Pokemon/Appearance: Typhlosion gijinka

Roommate: Still don't know
Personalities: Terrified of small spaces, awkward around large groups of people, slow to trust people, tends to come off as cold to many, but very loyal and protective to those he considers his friend.
Hobbies: Swimming, running, battling
Crush: N/A
BF/GF: Ateer
New or continue?: New
This is my lovely Persona Shiranui

marcus entered the school, and noticed Hades was in the hallway, just in front of valkyries, and Lucifer & Ryan were fainted. ''dang it!'' he shouted, unleashing his sword on water mode and running to Hades. ''Get Away from my Girlfriend!!'' he shouted, dodging his punch and cutting him with his blade
Kioiki: the fight is still goin or it is finished ?