Forum Thread
Please, already accepted, and ended.
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → Please, already accepted, and ended.I already saw many strange users who 'seemed like' battling himself after making a second account.
They did more than 100 battles in a few minutes, and earned BP by them. They sold vitamins that were bought by BP, and got quite rich if we consider that they joined before one week or a little more. By this way, those kinds of users will go up to a better place than users who work hard for pokedollars here in a honest way.
Also, even if the user doesn't have 'multi account', this problem still matters. Selling vitamins after numerous battles after battling their 'friends'(We don't even know if they battled a friend, or a multi account actually..) is a shortcut for being rich, which is actually quite unfair for users who do not even battle here.
I hope this suggestion gets implemented, so we can stop some users doing the thing I stated above.
Title: HI
For example:rarecandies can be brought and they can come in the rank list easily.
So this is an irrelevant point.
Also the moderaters are here to block multiple accounts.
Just that the people should report them.

Decreasing the price 'helps' on preventing cheats, I didn't say this is a solution. Actually, there's no solution for this problem, except perfectly deleting the battle feature here.
Also, what do you mean by the point that says, 'It makes vitamins useless'? Vitamins aren't made to sell anyways, they are made to feed pokemons instead.
Also, actually I saw more than 5 suspicious users doing this in less than 10 days.
Yeah, but I guess you're quite right on rare candies. Maybe we should deal with this problem too.
A few of them told me already how they did it but its kinda pointless just keeping on reporting them when they can just make new accounts so easily.
So basically.. they just make multiple accounts, battle for BP, buy Vitamins and sell those for a lot of cash
Decreasing the Item Shop "sell price" of items like Vitamins and Rare Candies will solve this abuse easily and make the game a lot fairer.
It sucks seeing experienced players with barely no cash working hard for PD while these new users just cheat their way into it
how can someone lose 608 battles in 9 hours?
100% multi account..
But, actually, there are many accounts like this in PH already.
Or why decrease prices in the item shop? Why not increase the price of the BP in the Battle Shop? Rare Candies cost more BP than Vitamins but are worth less money in the Item Shop.
And yeah, we can report them. But how can we report all of them? Are we maybe spys who spy each other?
Even if we report those users, they will make accounts again, and again.
For example, there was a user named 'Mo***_C***' who made so many accounts using his phone, computer, and etc.
Actually, same thing can happen again and again.
We cannot simply stop them by just reporting.
I mean, multi-accounting is against the rules, and the moderators work diligently on finding and locking these accounts. But if you know that someone is a multi, and have enough reason to suspect it, report that account.
But having one group of people ruin it for those of us who work hard for what we have isn't worth it.
- or -
Making new items like "Vitamin X" and "Rare Candy X" where you can buy them from battle shop but they will have a very low "sell price" on the Item Shop. Obviously they work as the normal Vitamins and Rare Candy but they will be sold on the Battle Shop instead of the normal ones with normal "sell price" to stop these kind of system abuse.
I think raising the BP costs of Vitamins would be a better solution for now.
So if he added the new items, removed the normal version from the Battle shop, and replaced them with the new ones, it shouldn't take much time at all for him to do. And if the BP of the items is raised while the new items get a low PD value from the stores (20 like the berries, maybe? To encourage users to only buy items they are going to use) shouldn't take more than half an hour. (That's a very generous time. It might take less than five minutes depending on how he has it all organized)