Smoke nudges Raven playfully. "You're the leader, aren't you?" He
teases and looks around. "What about over there?" With his tail, he
points at a bunch of bushes.
Moon's fur bristles at the sight, slightly angered at Wolf's
actions towards the loner. She stands, tail lashing.
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Cloud looked at her and tilted his head "aren't you going to
attack? I mean really I was going to take something and train on
some random cats.. But not anymore.." He sat down cleaning the
wound on his leg
Raven looked at him and said putting her arm around him "I'm going
to teach you to hunt!" She had a large smile on her face that
looked brave
do it! I'm perfect and your perfect in your our little ways
Wolf leaped over some rocks before coming to a large tree and
climbing up it, she wasn't meant to hurt anyone. She kept climbing,
the branches got thiner the further she climbed.
Smoke was taken aback for a few seconds before purring.
"Alright!... but I don't think that'll be an easy task..."
She simply blinks, watching Cloud. "No...I prefer not to cause
trouble...besides I'm not that close to anyone here..." Moon
glances up to see Wolf climbing, she stiffens.
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"It was either a broken leg or me being tangled in branches falling
down, can someone please fetch me some comfrey and moss?" She
looked at the large scratch that was left on her leg.
He looked at her with one eyebrow up and the other one down. He
then walked off yelling off "bye!" Thorn played next to a small
hole. He went inside I the hole to see what is was and saw a fox
the fox grabbed him and killed the kitten. (By thorn)
do it! I'm perfect and your perfect in your our little ways
Wolf Limped to the nearest tree and dug up some moss, placing it on
her wound, it soon become soaked in blood. Luckily a comfrey plant
was next to the tree.
The fluffy white tom stalked a large rabbit going closer and closer
he chased it after the rabbit saw him. He hit the rabbits hind leg
and threw it up. He jumped up and bit the rabbits back killing it
do it! I'm perfect and your perfect in your our little ways