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Forum Thread

Voltorb Flip

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected Voltorb Flip
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 12
Posted: Sat, 04/04/2015 02:05 (9 Years ago)
What about adding Voltorb Flip to the Game Center? It's one game I could see myself getting into, I bought Soul Silver after losing my game case instead of just getting the newer games because it had it, and I think it could get a lot of traffic.

EDIT: I thought I should explain what the game is in case someone doesn't know. There is a five by five grid of tiles, which each have either a number or a voltorb on them, and they are face down. On the edges it tells the total number of all the numbered tiles added up (the tiles can be 1-3), and voltorbs count as zero. It also tells how many voltorbs are on the row, or collumn. The goal is to flip over all the numbered tiles, and none of the voltorbs. If you flip a voltorb, it's game over and you lose all points.
Please send me plushies I don't already have for the plushie game! I'll always do the same.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 267
Posted: Sat, 11/04/2015 19:06 (9 Years ago)
Basically minesweeper and im in i love minesweeper

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