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Dangerous Magic

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Dangerous Magic
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 19
Posted: Sun, 29/12/2013 02:51 (10 Years ago)
( I decided to post some fanfiction, so here you go! It's based on an old roleplay with my friend. )

Magic Types
Learning about these will be helpful to the story.
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{} - Weak Against
[] - Strong against
Light - the exact opposite of the Dark [Dark] {Air, Light}
Dark - the opposite of light, restricted by the legendary guardians (Zekrom and Reshiram) [Light] {Fire, Dark}
Plant - the magic of overgrowing or sucking the life out of plants, bending plants to the magician's will [Water] {Fire, Air, Ice}
Air - the art of being able to turn winds and clouds to your will, helps with speed [Light, Plant, Fire] {Water, Ice}
Fire - being able to ignite flames in proper conditions (an area above freezing) [Plant, Ice, Dark] {Water, Air}
Water - the way to control the humidity in the air or controlling currents, tides, and water itself. [Fire] {Plant}
Ice - strongest against water, able to freeze any types of water [Plant, Water, Air] {Fire}

Electricity - usually associated with machinery [{Magicians prefer to call the Electricity element out of the regular categories. Most machinery have weaknesses of different types.}]
Brew - the making of potions and elixirs, a lesser type of magic [{Since Brew magic refers to the making of potions and elixirs, it does not have any weakness nor strengths.}]

Beginning Characters
I don't want to spoil too much of the story, but I just want to show some characters to clear up any confusion, just in case.
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Female Nidoran
Protagonist/Main Character
Daughter of Kobra, leader of the problematic Team V
Loves to use Air Magic to enhance speed, sometimes uses Brew magic when her father isn't around

-Team V-

Male Nidoking
Father of Venom, leader of Team V, plans to take over the region
Uses Dark magic in combat

Male Drapion
Father of Sunny
Guards Team V's treasure
Uses Plant magic to hide and guard the treasure

Female Skorupi
Cheerful and Bright, hence her name
Daughter of Drapion and Best Friend of Venom
Loves using Light magic to create images, and occasionally uses Plant to "decorate" her part of the cavern

Chapter 1
Venom decides to take a trip.
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I could make it. I know it. This time for sure! I think, gazing at my snoring father. I tiptoed across the cavern floor and sneak to the exit. Glancing back what felt like a gazillion times, I grabbed my dark purple cape and slung it around my back. Silently, I tied it around my neck and pulled the hood over my head. Afterwards, I padded across the tunnel to the entrance.

And oh my stars.
The moon was an unmistakable bright red that I had never seen before.

Instantly I looked back at the tunnel to make sure no one else was witnessing this spectacle. I would get in trouble, for sure... I gazed outside of the tunnel, and looked both ways to make sure guards weren't posted out front. Instead, they were there, but snoring loudly with their spears on the ground.

I grinned and sneaked outside onto the soft, springy grass. "Venom! What are you doing?"

I turned back, astonished, then trudge back over to where my father waits impatiently. "Good," he growled, watching me roll onto my nest, "You need to learn to discipline yourself. I don't want you getting hurt." I rolled my eyes. "Yes father," I grumbled stubbornly.

I could hear my father thumping onto the pile of rocks on which he slept. He instantly began to snore loudly and clearly. Sighing, I closed my eyes and drifted back off to sleep, with barely an idea in my head.

I'm dreaming again, aren't I? I thought, gazing into the everlasting darkness. Ugh, not this thing again.

"Good... I've finally contacted you."

Who...? I could hear a voice in the distance, calling out to me.

"No... it's not working...."
"Please... just help me...."
"I'm at... the...."

The voice disappeared in the center of the message.

Linoone from Celestial, and the Aggron from NeverEndingStory!

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