Forum Thread
Pokemon Fast
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon FastYou are in a time where Pokemon race.You see Pokemon racing should you race?
Choose your team and choose your destiny.
Team Quick Speed vs. Team Speed Of Light
Pokemon:Pichu,Whismur,Eevee,Tepig,Fennekin,Castform,Cyndaquil and Poliwag.
Pokemon now have boosters attached to their tails now.
Pokemon:Pichu,Whismur,Eevee,Tepig,Fennekin,Castform,Cyndauil and Poliwag.
In the RP say Zoom! to speed up.
Rules:No bad words and no being rude.
Racer Number:
Special Ability:
Hidden Ability:
Gender: Male
Name: Static
Racer number: 8
Team: Speed of light
Rank: Newbie
Special ability: Run away,
Hidden ability: Anticipation
Moves: Quick attack, Take down(Will be replaced by Wild charge), Protect(Will be replaced by thunder), trump card
Goal: To get fast and earn a thunder stone to evolve into Jolteon.

Larvitar:Hello I'm Larvy!
Zoom:I'm Zoom.
Larvy:Do you want to go to the Racing Stadium?
Zoom:Racing Stadium?
Larvy:It's where Pokemon race!
Follow me!
Zoom followed Larvy.
A lot of Pokemon were racing.
Larvy:Let's go enter!
Zoom:Slow Down!I don't know how to race!
Larvy:It's simple try to be in 1st place and attack other Pokemon.
They went to the Sign Up Form.
Sign Up
Zoom 10
Larvy. 12
At the racing tracks Zoom saw an Eevee.
I am a very jolly pokemon. I loved to play and have fun all the time, but what I really want is to be the fastest pokemon there is! It's been my dream ever since I hatched from an egg and found out that my father was a champion himself, his name was 'Argonaut' but pokemon called him 'Argo' for short. My father was a arcanine.....his speed was unparalleled but unfortunately he passed away due to exertion just two day's before I hatched, so I never got to meet him in person. I got up on my bed and yelled out to the window, "I live by the name 'Static Argonaut' the child of 'Ceaser Argonaut' and I will be the fastest pokemon there is!" I am quite the day-dreamer aren't I? but that's just me the way I am. My mother got in the room while laughing, looks like she heard my little fiasco. "Static....go to sleep honey, you have a big day tomorrow!" she grabbed me by the collar and put me to sleep. "Mom! I don't want to sleep, the world still hasn't seen me race!" I got up again and sat on the window sill. I shifted my gaze to the moon and stared at it, soon after the staring was over I howled out, "You hear me world! I still have a couple of races to run so I won't sleep until I do so!". My mom shook her head and smiled, "Okay greatest racer, now go to sleep already" She grabbed me gain and tucked me into bed. "Maybe we can have a race right now" She nuzzled her nose against mine. "Whoever sleeps first wins..." She turned off the lights and got out. I did as she asked and won the race!, hehe~
At the Race
I was getting really excited! the race was today! and I'm in it...wait till they see my speed. I observed the field in which I'll race and the racers who I will compete against with, "Man there are alot of racers here..." My confidence lingered a bit but I recovered instantly.
"Attention all racers.... the race will begin shortly" The announcer spoke from afar. "okay so...might as well know some people around here" I walked around and saw a larvitar and poliwag talking to each other. "I'll go meet them!" I jogged over to the racers and greeted them, "hiya! My names Static Argonaut. What's yours?"
OOC: Jon, I guess we better wait for some people to respond to this RP.

The poliwag introduced itself and all three of us were startled when we heard the announcer telling us that the race began. I dashed up front leaving both of them behind me, they joined not soon after the other racers heard the bell. This is what I trained for my whole life! I ran fast and went up to the second place. My senses were tingling and I felt my soul lift up as I closed my eyes and let my legs carry me along the track. My pace was steady and I was about to go up front, but a chorus of 'boos' and 'cheater!' had caught my attention. I looked back to see what happened, and found out that a charizard had pushed the poliwag I met earlier and cheated in the race! there was only one thing on my mind as I ignored the situation and ran ahead, Is a race worth a new friend? I stopped running and let the pikachu run ahead of me. The spectators had gasped at my reaction and some were mocking me that I was a quitter, but I shook my head violently and ran backwards to help the poliwag. When I approached him he had a confused expression on his face and eyed me. He doesn't know the first thing about a race! I had to say something so I smiled at him and let out a small, "Climb on my back, we'll do this together!" then waited for him to get on my back. If he accepts then we can train together! I grinned slightly and thought, I can't wait to train with him in my dad's secret underground training hall!
Jon, we gotta do a combination of moves, okay? like if I use quick attack and you use bubble as a second strike on my back, we can win easily.

You 2 be careful once you turn into Champion they can attack you,but right now your 2 are newbies so....
Zoom:My ears!
Another racer zoomed passed them.
I will get on Static's back after BlackScorpion2 is done posting.